Search Results - "OTS (Series) ;"
Suggested Topics within your search.
Suggested Topics within your search.
- Soils 46
- Plants 23
- Soil moisture 18
- Forests and forestry 17
- Diseases and pests 16
- Trees 15
- Varieties 14
- Wood 14
- Seeds 12
- Windbreaks, shelterbelts, etc 12
- Soil conservation 11
- Analysis 10
- Control 10
- Diseases 10
- Measurement 10
- Pine 10
- Plowing 10
- Soil science 10
- Agricultural machinery 9
- Parasites 9
- Seedlings 9
- Soil erosion 9
- Soil formation 9
- Disease and pest resistance 8
- Forest soils 8
- Growth 8
- Mycorrhizas 8
- Testing 8
- Chernozem soils 7
- Coal 7
Changes in the properties of ordinary chernozem soils in the areas between strips under various age groups of forest strips = (Izmenenie svoistv obyknovennogo chernozema pod lesnym...
Published 1960“…OTS (Series) ;…”
Government Document Book -
From teams to complex mechanization brigades = (Ot zvenʹev-k brigadam kompleksnoi mekhanizatsii) /
Published 1961“…OTS (Series) ;…”
Government Document Book -
Formation of secondary minerals in soils and plants in connection with the migration of elements = (Obrazovanie vtorichnykh mineralov v pockvakh i rasteniyakh v svyazi s migratsiei...
Government Document Manuscript Book -
Glutamine synthesis and nitrogen assimilation from urea and from ammonium ions = Synteza glutaminy i asymilacja azotu z mocznika w porównaniu z jonami amonowymi /
Published 1964“…OTS (Series) ;…”
Government Document Book -
Chemical analysis of soils. : Khimicheskii analiz pochvy /
Published 1963“…OTS (Series) ;…”
Government Document Book -
Investigation of spontaneous variability in pure lines of Hordeum = (Izuchenie spontannoi izmenchivosti chistykh linii Hordeum) /
Published 1963“…OTS (Series) ;…”
Government Document Book -
Carriage of detritus in river and stream beds = Wleczenie materialu dennego w korytach rzeki potoków /
Published 1963“…OTS (Series) ;…”
Government Document Book -
Improvement of desert pastures on the Pamirs /
Published 1961“…OTS (Series) ;…”
Government Document Book -
Concerning the basic principles of soil classification = Ob osnovynkh printsipakh klassifikatsii pochv /
Published 1962“…OTS (Series) ;…”
Government Document Book -
Certain achievements in lupine breeding in Poland = (Niektóre osiągnięcia hodowli łubinu w Polsce) /
Published 1961“…OTS (Series) ;…”
Government Document Book -
Chernozem as a type of soil formation = (Chernozem kak tip pochvoobrazovaniya) /
Published 1961“…OTS (Series) ;…”
Government Document Book -
Increasing reliability of electrical power supply to rural consumers = (O povyshenii nadezhnosti elektrosnabzheniya selʹskikh potrebitelei) /
Published 1963“…OTS (Series) ;…”
Government Document Book -
General characteristic of the soils in Szczecin Province : (Ogólna charakterystyka gleb województsa szczecińskiego) /
Published 1962“…OTS (Series) ;…”
Government Document Book -
Field germination and seedling survival of perennial forage grasses in the steppe zone = (Polevaya vskhozhestʹ i sokhranyaemostʹ vskhodov mnogoletnikh trav v stepnoi zone) /
Published 1962“…OTS (Series) ;…”
Government Document Book -
Concerning the straw-yellow-podzolic soils of Belorussia = (O palevo-podzolistykh pochvakh Belorussii) /
Published 1963“…OTS (Series) ;…”
Government Document Book -
The development of soil geography and cartography in Russia (from ancient Russia to the time of Dokuchaev) = (O razvitii geografii i kartografii pochv v Rossii) /
Published 1960“…OTS (Series) ;…”
Government Document Book -
The characteristics of the process of podzolization of soils in Serbia : (Karakteristike procesa opodzoljavanja zemljišta u Srbiji). The problem of classification of podzolic soils...
Published 1962“…OTS (Series) ;…”
Government Document Book -
Humus-carbonate soils of the Sochi District and their transition to brown forest soils /
Published 1963“…OTS (Series) ;…”
Government Document Book -
Investigations on mycotrophy of plant associations of the upper timber zone in the Tatra = Badanie mykotrofizmu zespołów roślinnych regla górnego w Tatrach /
Published 1964“…OTS (Series) ;…”
Government Document Book -
All year round tillage work = (Całoroczna uprawa roli)
Published 1961“…OTS (Series) ;…”
Government Document Book