Search Results - "Early English books online."
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Suggested Topics within your search.
- History 22,428
- Sermons, English 7,292
- Politics and government 6,396
- Ballads, English 3,668
- Christian life 3,134
- Astrology 2,628
- Society of Friends 2,605
- Almanacs, English 2,413
- Law and legislation 2,335
- Ephemerides 2,147
- Church and state 1,623
- Latin language 1,540
- Medicine 1,422
- Doctrines 1,415
- Church history 1,283
- Religious aspects 1,257
- Grammar 1,239
- Dissenters, Religious 1,207
- Theology, Doctrinal 1,169
- Conduct of life 1,141
- Christianity 945
- Popish Plot, 1678 935
- Clergy 898
- Funeral sermons 895
- Law 888
- Taxation 882
- Lord's Supper 873
- Liturgy 857
- Prayers 847
- Government 806
Philosophicall rudiments concerning government and society. Or, A dissertation concerning man in his severall habitudes and respects, as the member of a society, first secular, and...
Published 1651“…Early English books online.…”
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Elementa opticæ nova, facili, & compendiosâ methodo explicata : cum schematibus aliquot (ad pleniorem elucidationem) in calce annexis.
Published 1651“…Early English books online.…”
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Annales the true and royall history of the famous empresse Elizabeth Queene of England France and Ireland &c. True faith's defendresse of diuine renowne and happy memory. Wherein a...
Published 1625“…Early English books online.…”
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Elementa opticae: nova, facili, & compendiosâ methodo explicata. Cum schematibus aliquot (ad pleniorem elucidationem) in calce annexis.
Published 1651“…Early English books online.…”
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The cathedrall and conventuall churches of England and Wales orthographically delineated by D. K. anno M D C LVI
Published 1656“…Early English books online.…”
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The abridgment of Christian divinitie so exactly and methodically compiled, that it leads us, as it were, by the hand to the reading of the Holy Scriptures. Ordering of common-plac...
Published 1650“…Early English books online.…”
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The pourtraitures at large of nine moderne worthies of the world with a short relation of theire lives and deaths. Elegantly graven in copper, and are to be sould at the Globe in C...
Published 1622“…Early English books online.…”
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The honest ghost, or A voice from the vault.
Published 1658“…Early English books online.…”
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Sir Walter Raleigh's observations, touching trade & commerce with the Hollander, and other nations, as it was presented to K. James wherein is proved, that our sea and land commodi...
Published 1653“…Early English books online.…”
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Willsfords arithmetick, naturall, and artificiall: or, decimalls. Containing the science of numbers, digested in three books. Made compendious and facile for all ingenious capaciti...
Published 1656“…Early English books online.…”
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The reigne of King Henry the Second written in seaven bookes. By his Majesties command.
Published 1633“…Early English books online.…”
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Sir Walter Rawleigh's ghost; or, His apparition to an intimate friend, willing him to translate into English, this learned book of L. Lessius entituled, (De providentiâ numinis, &...
Published 1651“…Early English books online.…”
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Lignum vitae. Libellus in quatuor partes distinctus: et ad utilitatem cujusque animæ in altiorem vitæ perfectionem suspirantis, nuperrimè editus. /
Published 1657“…Early English books online.…”
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Theatrum chemicum Britannicum· Containing severall poeticall pieces of our famous English philosophers, who have written the hermetique mysteries in their owne ancient language. /
Published 1652“…Early English books online.…”
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Natures secrets. Or, The admirable and wonderfull history of the generation of meteors. Particularly describing, the temperatures and qualities of the four elements, the heights, m...
Published 1658“…Early English books online.…”
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Mercy in a miracle shewing, the deliverance, and the duty, of the king, and the people In a sermon preached at Mitcham in Surry, June 28. 1660 in a solemne congratulation for the r...
Published 1660“…Early English books online.…”
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The vvorld encompassed by Sir Francis Drake being his next voyage to that to Nombre de Dios formerly imprinted; carefully collected out of the notes of Master Francis Fletcher prea...
Published 1628“…Early English books online.…”
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Virgil's Georgicks Englished. by Tho: May Esqr
Published 1628“…Early English books online.…”
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The abridgment of Christian divinitie: so exactly and methodically compiled, that it leads us, as it were, by the hand to the [brace] reading of the Holy Scriptures. Ordering of co...
Published 1656“…Early English books online.…”
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Vera effigies Regis et Reginæ Bohemiæ com prole. viz ...
Published 1625“…Early English books online.…”
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