Suggested Topics within your search.
Suggested Topics within your search.
- Soils 3
- Colchicine 2
- Parasites 2
- Alkaline soils 1
- Babesiosis 1
- Barley 1
- Beneficial insects 1
- Biological control 1
- Biological development 1
- Calcium cyanamide 1
- Cattle 1
- Diseases 1
- Diseases and pests 1
- Fruit 1
- Germination 1
- Goats 1
- Hazel 1
- Hazelnuts 1
- Insect pests 1
- Locust trees 1
- Morus alba 1
- Moths 1
- Mulberry 1
- Nuts 1
- Photoperiod 1
- Photoperiodism 1
- Pine 1
- Pinus nigra 1
- Plant morphology 1
- Podzol 1
Combating cattle piroplasmosis in Kladovo district by eradicaion of ticks = Borba protiv piroplazmoze goveda u Ključkom srezu putem uništavanja krpelja /
Published 1962“…Published for the National Science Foundation, Washington, …”
Government Document Book -
Seed stimulation = (Stimulacija semena) /
Published 1962“…Published for the National Science Foundation, Washington, …”
Government Document Book -
Selected articles from "Veterinarski arhiv", No. 22, 26 and 28.
Published 1962“…Published for the National Science Foundation, Washington, …”
Government Document Book -
Maturation of winter wheat grains after the harvest = (Dozrevanje zrna ozime ps̆enice posle zĕtve.) /
Published 1962“…Published for the National Science Foundation, Washington, …”
Government Document Book -
The effect of varying the photoperiod with the white mulberry, the black locust, and two provenances of the Austrian pine = Efekti promenjene fotoperiodizma kod bijelog duda, bagre...
Published 1963“…National Science Foundation, Washington D.C. by the …”
Government Document Book -
The basic principles of the cultivation and selection of hazelnuts = Uzgajanje i selekcija lješnjaka /
Published 1962“…National Science Foundation, Washington D.C. by the …”
Government Document Book -
Study of polyploidy induced by colchicine /
Published 1962“…Published for the National Science Foundation, Washington, …”
Government Document Book -
Contribution to the knowledge of the genesis of alkali soils in Vojvodina = Doprinos posnavanju geneze alkalnih zemljišta u Vojvodini /
Published 1962“…Published for the National Science Foundation, Washington …”
Government Document Book -
A contribution to the knowledge of the soils of Metohija = Prilog poznavanju zemljis̆ta Metohije /
Published 1962“…Published for the National Science Foundation, Washington, …”
Government Document Book -
A contribution to the investigation of the calcium cyanamide effect on the red clover germination and the development of horse thistle = Prilog proučavanju uticaja kalcium cijanami...
Published 1961“…Published for the National Science Foundation, Washington, …”
Government Document Book -
The characteristics of the process of podzolization of soils in Serbia : (Karakteristike procesa opodzoljavanja zemljišta u Srbiji). The problem of classification of podzolic soils...
Published 1962“…Published for the National Science Foundation, Washington …”
Government Document Book -
Soil types in vicinity of Belgrade and Obrenovac = tipovi zemljišta u okolini Beograde i Obrenovca /
Published 1961“…Published for the National Science Foundation, Washington …”
Government Document Book -
The use of colchicine method for solution of causal morphological problems /
Published 1962“…Published for the National Science Foundation, Washington, …”
Government Document Book -
The importance of apple and plum ermine moth parasites in reducing the population of these important insect pests in Bosnia and Herzegòvinà = Znaĕaj parazita jabukinog i s̆ljivinog...
Published 1962“…Published for the National Science Foundation, Washington, …”
Government Document Book -
The inheritance of some quantitative characters in winter barley = (Nasledjivanje nekih kvantitativnih svojstava kod ozimog ječma) /
Published 1961“…Published for the National Science Foundation, Washington, …”
Government Document Book -
The goat as an intermediate host of Taenia serialis gervais 1847 (Koza kao prelazno domaćin za Taenia serialis) /
Published 1961“…Department of Agriculture by the NOLIT Publishing House, …”
Government Document Book