Search Results - "Microprint 32"
Suggested Topics within your search.
Suggested Topics within your search.
- Anatomy 358
- Botany 190
- Astronomy 134
- Mineralogy 120
- Science 96
- Natural history 93
- Geology 92
- History 90
- Birds 89
- Meteorology 88
- Description and travel 85
- Beetles 83
- Mollusks 73
- Paleontology 66
- Medicine 55
- Physics 55
- Zoology 54
- Plants 51
- Analysis 49
- Chemistry 49
- Insects 48
- Electricity 46
- Microscopes 44
- Microscopy 44
- Mathematics 43
- Climate 42
- Scientific expeditions 42
- Climatology 41
- Geometry 39
- Crustacea 35
La nature considérée sous ses différens aspects; ou, Journal d'histoire naturelle
Published 1787“…Microprint 32…”
Microfilm Book -
Account of the Mémoires de la Société de physique et d'histoire naturelle de Geneve
Published 1822“…Microprint 32…”
Microfilm Book -
Description of some remarkable nebulæ and clusters of stars in the southern hemisphere, observed at Paramatta in New South Wales
Published 1829“…Microprint 32…”
Microfilm Book -
Georgii Bach Examen principiorvm quibus recentiores physici opera naturæ male superstruunt rerumque aliarum Aristotlei oppositarum : nominatim principiorum mundi, vaporis, spiritus...
Published 1649“…Microprint 32…”
Microfilm Book -
On the mean temperature of twenty-seven different places in the state of New York for 1828
Published 1829“…Microprint 32…”
Microfilm Book -
On the anatomy, physiology and distribution of the Firolidæ
Published 1871“…Microprint 32…”
Microfilm Book -
Versuch einer wirthschaftlichen Naturgeschichte von dem Königreich Ost- und Westpreussen
Published 1782“…Microprint 32…”
Microfilm Book -
On the extract of mimosa bark for the use of tanners, imported from New South Wales
Published 1824“…Microprint 32…”
Microfilm Book -
Description of the animals of Voluta denticulata, Mont. and Assiminia grayana, Leach
Published 1832“…Microprint 32…”
Microfilm Book -
Remarks on the specific gravity of sea-water in different latitudes, and on the temperature of the ocean at different depths
Published 1822“…Microprint 32…”
Microfilm Book -
The mineralogy of Derbyshire with a description of the most interesting mines in the north of England, in Scotland, and in Wales : and an analysis of Mr. Williams's work, intitled...
Published 1802“…Microprint 32…”
Microfilm Book -
Volcheri Coeiter Frisii De ossibvs, et cartilaginibvs hvmani corporis tabulae quæ eorum obscuras uoces, numerum, & nomenclaturas tam partium uniuscuiusque, quam singulorum complect...
Published 1566“…Microprint 32…”
Microfilm Book -
Reflexiones critico-theologicas sobre la respuesta a la carta del Miguel de S. Joseph sobre la verdadera causa del terremoto, fundado en las stas. escripturas, padres, expositores,...
Published 1757“…Microprint 32…”
Microfilm Book -
On the morphology of the skull in the woodpeckers (Picidæ) and wrynecks (Yungidæ)
Published 1879“…Microprint 32…”
Microfilm Book -
The characters of Clinidium, a new genus of insects in the order Coleoptera with a description of Clinidium guildingii /
Published 1832“…Microprint 32…”
Microfilm Book