Suggested Topics within your search.
Suggested Topics within your search.
- Hof van Justitie van de Europese Gemeenschappen
- Europees recht 2
- Law and legislation 2
- Advocaten-generaal 1
- Antitrust law 1
- Belastingrecht 1
- Civil society 1
- Concentratie (bedrijfsleven) 1
- Constitutional courts 1
- Constitutionalisme 1
- Double taxation 1
- Dubbele belasting 1
- Environmental law 1
- Europese Unie 1
- Federalisme 1
- Income tax 1
- Institutionalisering 1
- Judicial power 1
- Law 1
- Maatschappelijk middenveld 1
- Mededingingsrecht 1
- Openbaar bestuur 1
- Political questions and judicial power 1
- Pressure groups 1
- Rechtshandhaving 1
- Rechtsmacht 1
- Sex discrimination against women 1
- Social policy 1
- States 1
- Supreme Court (VS) 1
The European court and civil society : litigation, mobilization and governance /
Published 2007Book -