Item Description:Publication contains discontinuous pagination.
Pages listed in the Contents Note reflect printed page numbers within successive, separately paginated, parts of the publication.
Table of contents [Volume III], p. 5.
Volume III, Report of the Health Officer of the District of Columbia, p. 7.
Appendices to the Report of the Health Officer of the District of Columbia, p. 49.
Index to laws and regulations relating to public health, p. 203.
Index [Volume III], p. 343.
Volume IV, Report of the Board of Education, follows the maps after p. 357 of Volume III.
Table of contents [Volume IV], p. 3.
Volume V, Report of the Department of Insurance, Part 1, follows the map after p. 149 of Volume IV.
Table of contents [Volume V, Part 1], p. III.
Index [Volume V, Part 1], p. 271.
Volume V, Part 2, follows p. 275 of Volume V, Part 1.
Table of contents [Volume V, Part 2], p. III.
Index [Volume V, Part 2], p. 289.
Physical Description:1116 p. : illustrations, maps, tables.