Table of Contents:
  • It was a lover and his lass / Morley (2:50)
  • Take, O take those lips away / Wilson (1:27)
  • O mistress mine / Morley (1:17)
  • Strike it up, tabor / Weelkes (1:33)
  • Willow song / anonymous (4:47)
  • Where the bee sucks / Johnson (1:17)
  • How should I your true love know / anonymous (1:42)
  • Walsingham variations / Cutting (2:53)
  • We be soldiers three / anonymous (1:52)
  • When griping griefs / anonymous [i.e. Edwards] (2:56)
  • Full fathom five / Johnson (1:52)
  • Caleno custure me / anonymous (3:04)
  • Then they for sudden joy did weep / anonymous (1:15)
  • Bonny sweet Robin / anonymous (:38)
  • When that I was / anonymous (2:24)
  • Kemp's jig / anonymous (:45)
  • Greensleeves / anonymous (3:19)
  • He that will an alehouse keep / anonymous ; [comp.] Ravenscroft (:52)
  • Non nobis Domine / Byrd (1:15)