Table of Contents:
  • "The end. Yours truly, Huck Finn."
  • The handsomest mansion in Hartford
  • A series for the "Atlantic Monthly"
  • "Tom Sawyer"
  • "Tom" and "Huck"
  • "Peace, quiet, rest, seclusion"
  • Quarry Farm, Summer, 1876
  • Hartford, Hannibal, and "Huck"
  • The literary flux
  • "So noble ... and so beautiful a book"
  • Mistake and misfortunes, 1876-1879
  • "I generalize with intrepidity"
  • Strong milk for babes
  • The Grangerfords
  • The feud
  • "The chief (low-comedy) humorists"
  • Back on the river
  • Frenzied finance
  • The duke and the dauphin
  • "Life on the Mississippi"
  • Lively times in Bricksville
  • The Bricksville mob and the orneriness of kings
  • The Wilks funeral orgies
  • "The end, Yours truly, Huck Finn."