Table of Contents:
  • Foreword / Christoph Heinrich
  • Introduction and acknowledgments / Angelica Daneo
  • Man of Sorrows / Attributed to Don Silvestro dei Gherarducci
  • The Coronation of the Virgin / Giovanni da Bologna
  • Virgin and Child / French sculptor
  • The Four Crowned Martyrs [before Diocletian?] / Niccolò di Pietro Gerini
  • Annunciation to the Shepherds / Follower of Gentile da Fabriano
  • The Annunciation / Master of Retascón
  • The Crucifixion / Jaime Cirera
  • Madonna and Child with a Swallow / Francesco d'Antonio
  • Madonna and Child / [Fra Filippo Lippi?]
  • Saint Christopher / Vincenzo Foppa
  • Saint Anthony Abbot / Neri di Bicci
  • The Triumphs of Love, Chastity, and Death ; The Triumphs of Fame, Time, and Divinity / Follower of Andrea Mantegna [Girolamo da Cremona?]
  • The Coronation of the Virgin with Saint John the Baptist and Saint John the Evangelist / Domenico Ghirlandaio and Workshop
  • Saint John the Baptist ; Saint Jerome / Alvise Vivarini
  • The Nativity / Austrian Master
  • Madonna and Child with Columbines / Follower of Leonardo da Vinci
  • Madonna and Child / attributed to Andrea d'Assisi, called L'Ingegno
  • Portrait of a Lady with a Book / Vittore Carpaccio
  • The Adoration of the Magi / Master of the Catholic Kings
  • Abraham and the Three Angels / Josse Lieferinxe
  • The Marriage of the Virgin / Nicolas Dipre
  • Holy Trinity Adored by Saint Francis and a Bishop [Saint Augustine?] / Alunno di Benozzo
  • Nativity with Adoration of the Shepherds / Circle of the Master of the Brunswick Diptych
  • Portrait of a Praying Man / Netherlandish artist
  • Venus and Cupid / Attributed to Girolamo di Benvenuto
  • Saint Catherine of Siena Exorcising a Possessed Woman / Girolamo di Benvenuto
  • Christ in the House of Martha and Mary Magdalene / Defendente Ferrari
  • Madonna and Child with Saints / Bernardo Zenale
  • The Assumption of the Virgin / Alberto Piazza da Lodi
  • Saint Martin and the Beggar / French sculptor
  • Saint George and the Dragon / Bavarian sculptor [Circle of Hans Leinberger?]
  • The Presentation of the Christ Child in the Temple / Jan Provost
  • The Dormition and Coronation of the Virgin / [French sculptor?]
  • Portrait of a Woman / Barthel Beham
  • Portrait of Don Diego Félix de Esquivel y Aldama / Bartolomé Esteban Murillo
  • Illustrated checklist.