Search Results - Wang, Jixian
Jixian Wang
Jixian Wang (; born 3 April 1985) is a Chinese programmer in Ukraine known for video blogging his war experiences during the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine. Wang's accounts differ from how events have been portrayed by state media in China. He has had his content targeted by censors. His WeChat had been suspended following several interviews with several media outlets in March 2022, and had been briefly cut off from his family in China. Wang was temporarily suspended from YouTube over reports of inciting violence because of showing the war related information. After that, Wang Jixian continues to tell the story of Odesa to Sinophone audiences.In October 2023, Jixian was later arrested by the Ukrainian authority, In December 2023, Wang Jixian was sentenced to 5 years with 1 year probation after illegally spreading the coordinates of the Ukrainian army when filming the Ukrainian offensive in Odesa.
Now Wang Jixian is continue living in Odesa Ukraine at his home. Provided by Wikipedia