Search Results - Nyborg, Helmuth
Helmuth Nyborg

Nyborg is a controversial figure among the Danish public for his research on topics such as the inheritance of intelligence and the relationship between sex and intelligence. In 2004, he wrote an article in ''Personality and Individual Differences'' which claimed a five-point average IQ difference in favour of men. This led to strong reactions, for example in an editorial by the Danish newspaper ''Politiken''. In 2011, he argued in an article that migration from third-world countries to Denmark would cause a dysgenic effect on the country's average IQ over time.
Nyborg has argued that white people tend to be more intelligent than black people, that immigration from non-Western countries leads to a decline in the average intelligence of the receiving Western country, and that atheists tend to be more intelligent than religious people. His papers have been criticized within and outside academia and in 2013, the Danish Committees for Scientific Dishonesty (DCSD) ruled that he committed scientific misconduct in his paper ''The Decay of Western Civilization: Double Relaxed Darwinian Selection''. This decision was later overturned by a Danish court, clearing him of the charges. Provided by Wikipedia