Search Results - International Union for the Study of Social Insects
International Union for the Study of Social Insects
The International Union for the Study of Social Insects has at its purpose to promote and encourage the study of social insects and other social organisms in the broadest sense. Both research and the dissemination of knowledge about social insects and other social organisms through publications, educational programs, and activities are encouraged. The Union further pursues these objectives via the organization of Congresses and Symposia, publication of the journal Insectes Sociaux, and recognition of distinguished service with awards. National and regional sections play a key role in the IUSSI, with the sections organizing meetings, symposia, and newsletters.The Union was founded in 1951 as a result of discussions at the International Entomological Congress in Amsterdam. Key figures in the establishment of the IUSSI were Pierre-Paul Grassé (France), T. C. Schneirla (U.S.A.), Carlo Jucci (Italy), K. Gösswald (Germany), D. R. Gonçalves (Brazil), and [ Tohru Uchida] (Japan). Grassé took the lead in many matters in the early years of the IUSSI, including establishment of the Union's quarterly scientific journal, published since 1954, called Insectes Sociaux.
The Union was also originally referred to by its name in French, L'Union Internationale pour l'Étude des Insectes Sociaux, or UIEIS
Union Officers include a Secretary-General, who provides overall coordination and management of Union finances, the Editor of Insectes Sociaux, and the President. These offices are filled by recommendation of the international committee and vote of the general assembly at the Union's quadrennial International Congress. The President is the scientific organizer for the next International Congress and is a member of the section that will host the next Congress. It follows that the Union is organized into sections based on nationality or geographic region. Each section has its own activities, possibly including meetings and publications. Provided by Wikipedia