Call Number (LC) Title Results
Z649.L53 C66 2019 Copyright conversations : rights literacy in a digital world / 1
Z649.L53 C66 2019eb Copyright conversations : rights literacy in a digital world / 2
Z649.L53 C67 2008 Copyright policies / 2
Z649.L53 F74 2016 The copyright librarian : a practical handbook / 1
Z649.L53 F74 2016eb The copyright librarian : a practical handbook / 2
Z649.L53 M69 2020 Copyright policies and workflows in libraries : a concise handbook / 1
Z649.L53 N38 2022eb Navigating copyright for libraries : purpose and scope / 2
Z649.L53 N38 2022i Navigating copyright for libraries purpose and scope / 1
Z649.L53 P43 2015 Practical copyright for library and information professionals / 1
Z649.M6 P37 2011 DVD Partners in crime 1
Z649.M6 T6 Das Urheberpersönlichkeitsrecht an Werken der bildenden Künste. 1
Z649 .P5 Advertisement. November the 27th, 1703. Whereas by an adverstisement publish'd in yesterday's Courant, some persons have affirm'd, that they are printing a third and fourth part of the Roman history, written by Mr. Echard: that the publick may not be mis-led ... this is to inform the world, that the third part of the Roman history is already publishe'd ..
Advertisement . Whereas a counterfeit sheet almanack lately publish'd under the title of the British annalist, printed by J. Bradford, and said to be done by Richard Burridge; this is to inform all dealers in almanacks, that the printer, publshers, and all that sell the same, will be prosecuted by the Company of Stationers ..
Z649.P5 C37 The Case of Cornelius Bee and his partners Richard Royston, William Wells, Samuel Thompson, Thomas Robinson, and William Morden, booksellers. 2
Z649.P6 O24 1990 Copyright and preservation : a serious problem in need of a thoughtful solution / 1
Z649.P8 B3 Public lending right: a matter of justice / 1
Z649.S72 B37 BASIC news 1
Z652.N4 S57 2019 Who owns the news? : a history of copyright / 1
Z653 .B786 1913 Das urheberrecht am musikalischen motiv nach dem deutschen reichsgesetze : betreffend das urheberrecht an werken der literatur und der tonkunst vom 19. juni 1901 / 1
Z653 .K55 2023 Internationale Wahrnehmung von Urheberrechten an Musikwerken : Grundlagen, Konzepte, Techniken / 1
Z653 .P58 2010 Economic analysis of music copyright income, media and performances / 1