Call Number (LC) Title Results
Z271 .G62 1998x Creating handmade books / 1
Z271 .H23 2010 Handmade books / 1
Z271 .H36 2013 Biblio tech : reverse engineering historical and modern binding structures with a focus on board attachment / 1
Z271 .K65 1960 Bookbinding made easy. 1
Z271 .K755 2009 Book + art : handcrafting artists' books / 1
Z271 .L44 2000 Cover to cover : creative techniques for making beautiful books, journals & albums / 2
Z271 .L46 2010 Handmade books. 1
Z271 .L593 1957 Basic bookbinding. 1
Z271 .L85 2007 Decorated book papers : being an account of their designs and fashions / 1
Z271 .M43 1989 Modern bookbinding practically considered / 1
Z271 .M43 1989x Modern bookbinding practically considered / 1
Z271 .M444 1984 An introduction to carrageenan and watercolor marbling / 1
Z271 .M445 1984 An introduction to carrageenan and watercolor marbling / 1
Z271 .M53 The restoration of leather bindings / 2
Z271 .M53 1984 The restoration of leather bindings / 1
Z271 .N53 1986 Traditional marbling / 1
Z271 .N62 1986 A manual of the art of bookbinding / 1
Z271 .P23 1989 The art of bookbinding / 2
Z271 .P23 1989x The art of bookbinding / 1
Z271 .P45 2008 The Penland book of handmade books : master classes in bookmaking techniques. 1