Call Number (LC) Title Results
Y 4.J 89/2:N 56/ Relief problems in Nigeria-Biafra : Hearings before the Subcommittee to Investigate Problems Connected with Refugees and Escapees of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, Ninety-first Congress, first session. 1
Y 4.J 89/2:N 56/pt.1 Relief Problems in Nigeria-Biafra. hearings before the United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee To Investigate Problems Connected with Refugees and Escapees, Ninety-First Congress, first session, on July 15, 1969. 1
Y 4.J 89/2:N 56/pt.2 Relief problems in Nigeria-Biafra hearings, Ninety-first Congress, first session. 1
Y 4.J 89/2:N 65 Nomination of Walter L. Nixon, Jr. : hearing before a special subcommittee of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, Ninetieth Congress, second session, on nomination of Walter L. Nixon, Jr., of Mississippi, to be United States District Judge for the Northern District of Mississippi, June 5, 1968.
Nomination of Walter L. Nixon, Jr. Nomination to be U.S. District Judge for the Northern District of Mississippi: hearings before the United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary, Ninetieth Congress, second session, on June 5, 1968.
Y 4.J 89/2:N 72 Nominations of Joseph T. Sneed to be Deputy Attorney General and Robert H. Bork to be Solicitor General hearings, Ninety-third Congress, first session . /
Nominations of Joseph T. Sneed to be Deputy Attorney General and Robert H. Bork to be Solicitor General : hearings before the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, Ninety-third Congress, first session ... January 17, 1973.
Y 4.J 89/2:N 72/2 Nomination of the Honorable Brett M. Kavanaugh to be an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. 1
Y 4.J 89/2:N 75 Confirmation of Hon. Gunnar H. Nordbye To Be U.S. District Judge, District of Minnesota hearings before the United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary, Seventy-First Congress, third session, on Feb. 26, 28, Mar. 2, 1931. 2
Y 4.J 89/2:N 75/2 Nomination of Frank H. Norcross hearings before the United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on Nomination of Frank H. Norcross, Seventy-Third Congress, second session, on Mar. 8-10, 15-17, 21, 22, May 11, 12, 15-17, 1934. 2
Y 4.J 89/2:N 88 Nuclear scientist defects to United States : hearing before the Subcommittee to Investigate the Administration of the Internal Security Act and other Internal Security Laws of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, Eighty-ninth Congress, first session, December 15, 1964.
Nuclear Scientist Defects to U.S. hearings before the United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee to Investigate the Administration of the Internal Security Act and Other Internal Security Laws, Eighty-Eighth Congress, second session, on Dec. 15, 1964.
Y 4.J 89/2:N 88/2 Joint resolution with respect to nuclear arms reductions : report on S.J. Res. 212 to the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate /
Joint resolution with respect to nuclear arms reductions report on S.J. Res. 212 to the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate /
Y 4.J 89/2:OB 2 Nomination of Louis Falk Oberdorfer : hearing before the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, Eighty-seventh Congress, first session, on the nomination of Louis Falk Oberdorfer to be an Assistant attorney general. February 6, 1961. 1
Y 4.J 89/2:Ob 2 Nomination of Louis Falk Oberdorfer hearings before the United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary, Eighty-Seventh Congress, first session, on Feb. 6, 1961. 1
Y 4.J 89/2:OB 7 Control of obscene material. : Hearings, Eighty-sixth Congress, first and second sessions, on S.J. Res. 116, proposing to amend the Constitution relating to the right of a state to enact legislation on the basis of its own public policy on questions of decency and morality; S.J. Res. 133, proposing to amend the Constitution relating to the right of Congress and the states to enact legislation with respect to obscene material; S. 2562, to strengthen the criminal penalties for the mailing, importing, or transporting of obscene matter; to combat juvenile delinquency; and for other purposes. August 29, September 9, November 12, 1959, and January 14, 1960. 1
Y 4.J 89/2:Ob 7 Control of Obscene Material hearings before the United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on Constitutional Amendments, Subcommittee To Investigate Juvenile Delinquency in the U.S., Eighty-Sixth Congress, first session and Eighty-Sixth Congress, second session, on Aug. 29, Sept. 9, Nov. 12, 1959; Jan. 14, 1960. 1
Y 4.J 89/2:Of 2 Common Officers of Railway and Supply Companies hearings before the United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on S.J. Res. 129, Sixty-Fourth Congress, first session, on July 13, 1916.
Common officers of railway and supply companies : hearing before the subcommittee of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, Sixty-fourth Congress, first session on S.J. Res. 129 ... July 13, 1916.
Y 4.J 89/2:Of 2/2 To permit retired officers of the armed forces to act as agents or attorneys for prosecuting claims against the United States. : Hearing before a subcommittee of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, Eightieth Congress, second session, on S.156 ... Apr. 21, 1948.
To Permit Retired Officers of the Armed Forces To Act as Agents or Attorneys for Prosecuting Claims Against the U.S. hearings before the United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on S. 156, Eightieth Congress, second session, on Apr. 21, 1948.
Y 4.J 89/2:OF 2/3 Authorizing investigation by the Attorney General of certain offenses. : Hearings before a subcommittee of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, Eighty-third Congress, second session, on S. 2308, a bill to authorize and direct the investigation by the Attorney General of certain offenses, and for other purposes. January 28, and March 10, 1954. 1
Y 4.J 89/2:Of 2/3 Authorizing Investigation by the Attorney General of Certain Offenses hearings before the United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary, Eighty-Third Congress, second session, on Jan. 28, Mar. 10, 1954. 1
Y 4.J 89/2:OF 2/4 Offender rehabilitation act : hearing before the Subcommittee on National Penitentiaries of the Committee on Judiciary, United States Senate, Ninety-second Congress, second session, relating to the nullification of certain criminal records, S. 2732, February 3, 15, 23; March 15, 1972. 1
Y 4.J 89/2:Of 2/4 Offender rehabilitation act hearing, Ninety-second Congress, second session, relating to the nullification of certain criminal records, S. 2732. 1