Call Number (LC) Title Results
U241 .R432 2010 Reconstruction under fire case studies and further analysis of civil requirements /
Reconstruction under fire : case studies and further analysis of civil requirements /
U241 .R82 2014 The role and limitations of technology in U.S. counterinsurgency warfare / 1
U241 .S37 2019 Badges without borders : how global counterinsurgency transformed American policing / 3
U241 .S43 The third option : an American view of counterinsurgency operations / 1
U241 .S45 2024 Security of the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) : counterinsurgency in Balochistan / 1
U241 .S56 2021 Military-age males in counterinsurgency and drone warfare / 1
U241 .S64 2015 The political impossibility of modern counterinsurgency : strategic problems, puzzles, and paradoxes / 3
U241 .T46 2014 The theory and practice of irregular warfare : warrior-scholarship in counter-insurgency / 1
U241 .T68 1986 Britain's civil wars : counterinsurgency in the twentieth century / 1
U241 .T74 2008eb Treading on hallowed ground : counterinsurgency operations in sacred spaces / 1
U241 .T765 2021 The unknown enemy : counterinsurgency and the illusion of control / 1
U241 .U255 2013 Counterinsurgency in crisis Britain and the challenges of modern warfare / 1
U241 .U255 2013eb Counterinsurgency in crisis : Britain and the challenges of modern warfare / 1
U241 .U256 2009 The new counterinsurgency era transforming the U.S. military for modern wars / 1
U241 .U256 2009eb The new counterinsurgency era : transforming the U.S. military for modern wars / 2
U241 .U53 2010 Understanding Counterinsurgency : Doctrine, Operations, and Challenges. 1
U241 .U53 2010eb Understanding counterinsurgency : doctrine, operations and challenges / 1
U241 .U8355 2014eb U.S. Army counterinsurgency warrior handbook / 1
U241 .W38 2014 Countering others' insurgencies understanding U.S. small-footprint interventions in local context /
Countering others' insurgencies : understanding U.S. small-footprint interventions in local context /
U243 .P76 1994 Prolonged wars : a post-nuclear challenge / 1