Call Number (LC) Title Results
TR679 .E79 2004 Erwin Blumenfeld / 1
TR679 .E93 1993 Blumenfeld photographs : a passion for beauty / 1
TR679 .E95 1986 The photographic art of Hoyningen-Huene / 1
TR679 .F37 Professional fashion photography / 1
TR679 .F37 1978 Professional fashion photography / 1
TR679 .F37 2008 Fashion as photograph : viewing and reviewing images of fashion / 1
TR679 .F37513 2011 Fashion box / 1
TR679 .F377 2000 Fashion photography now / 1
TR679 .F378 1996 Fashion : photography of the nineties / 1
TR679 .F38 Fashion--theory /
Fashion theory
TR679 .F385 1986 The fashionable image : unconventional fashion photography : an exhibition organized by the Mint Museum Department of Art, Charlotte, North Carolina in cooperation with the Light Factory, Charlotte, North Carolina, Henry Barendse, guest curator September 28 through November 16, 1986 / 1
TR679 .F387 2020 Fashioned in the North : nordic histories, agents, and images of fashion photography / 1
TR679 .F46 2022 Female view : women fashion photographers from modernity to the digital age / 1
TR679 .F4613 2022 Female view : women fashion photographers from modernity to the digital age / 1
TR679 .G35 2010 Ara Gallant / 1
TR679 .G536 1986 Gianni Versace, dialogues de mode : des photographes autour d'une création : 23 octobre 1986-4 janvier 1987, Palais Galliéra, Musée de la mode et du costume, Mois de la photo '86, Paris-audiovisuel. 1
TR679 .G55 2018 Gilessølvekatie / 1
TR679 .H34 1979 The history of fashion photography / 1
TR679 .H36 1991 Appearances : fashion photography since 1945 / 1
TR679 .H37 1987 Beauty photography in Vogue / 2