Call Number (LC) Title Results
TP371.44 Indigenous fermented foods of South Asia /
Fermentation and algal biotechnologies for the food, beverage and other bioproduct industries /
Ethnic fermented foods and beverages of India science history and culture /
Fermentation processes engineering in the food industry
Advances in smoking of foods : plenary lectures presented at the International Symposium on Advances in Smoking of Foods, Warsaw, Poland, 8-10 September 1976 : [organized by] International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (Applied Chemistry Division) in conjunction with International Union of Food Science and Technology and Polish Academy of Sciences /
Handbook of plant-based fermented food and beverage technology /
Indigenous Fermented Foods of Southeast Asia /
Handbook of fermented food and beverage technology two volume set /
Indigenous fermented foods for the Tropics
Lactic acid fermentation of fruits and vegetables /
Fermented foods.
Novel food fermentation technologies
Fermented foods in health and disease prevention
Frontiers and New Trends in the Science of Fermented Food and Beverages
Trending topics on fermented foods /
Handbook of fermented meat and poultry /
TP371.44 .A383 2015eb Advances in fermented foods and beverages : improving quality, technologies and health benefits / 3
TP371.44 .A47 2022 African fermented food products - new trends / 1
TP371.44.A67 1992eb Applications of Biotechnology in Traditional Fermented Foods. 1
TP371.44 .A7 1992 Applications of biotechnology to traditional fermented foods : report / 1
TP371.44 .B36 2019 Food, fermentation and micro-organisms / 1
TP371.44 .B38 1998 Fermented fruits and vegetables : a global perspective / 1
TP371.44 .B56 2019 Bioactive compounds in fermented foods : health aspects. 1
TP371.44 .F3757 2000 Fermented grain legumes, seeds and nuts : a global perspective / 1
TP371.44 .F468 2010 Fermented foods and beverages of the world 1
TP371.44 .F47 2017 Fermented meat products : health aspects / 1
TP371.44 .F47 2020 Fermented food products / 2
TP371.44 .F475 2016 Fermented foods. 1
TP371.44 .F4775 2017eb Fermented foods of Latin America : from traditional knowledge to innovative applications / 1
TP371.44 .H357 2015 Handbook of Fermented Meat and Poultry. 1
TP371.44 .H358 2012 Handbook of Animal-Based Fermented Food and Beverage Technology /
Handbook of Fermented Food and Beverage Technology.
TP371.44 .H36 1995 Handbook of indigenous fermented foods / 1
TP371.44 .H36 1995eb Handbook of indigenous fermented foods 1
TP371.44 .H36 1996 Handbook of indigenous fermented foods / 1
TP371.44 .H88 2006eb Microbiology and technology of fermented foods
Microbiology and technology of fermented foods /