Call Number (LC) Title Results
TK5103.12 .C53 2001 Network cabling handbook / 1
TK5103.12 .C53 2002 Network cabling handbook / 1
TK5103.12 .C69 2024 Mixed-signal CMOS for wireline communication : transistor-level and system-level design considerations / 1
TK5103.12 D47 1999eb Practical network cabling 1
TK5103.12 .E45 2002eb Designing a structured cabling system to ISO 11801 cross-referenced to European CENELEC and American standards / 2
TK5103.12 .E55 2002eb Designing a structured cabling system to ISO 11801 cross-referenced to European CENELEC and American standards / 2
TK5103.12 .G55 1996 Telecommunications wiring for commercial buildings : a practical guide / 1
TK5103.12 .G76 2000 Cabling : the complete guide to network wiring / 1
TK5103.12 .H39 2009 Data, voice, and video cabling / 1
TK5103.12 .L36 1998 Wire, cable, and fiber optics for video and audio engineers / 2
TK5103.12 .S55 2006 Network cabling illuminated / 1
TK5103.12 .S82 1998 Standard for individually unshielded twisted pair indoor cables for use in communication wiring systems : technical requirements / 1
TK5103.12 .T44 1995 Commercial building telecommunications cabling standard / 1
TK5103.12 .T45 1997 Telecommunications cables : design, manufacture and installation / 1
TK5103.12 .T46 1998 Telecommunications cabling installation manual on CD-ROM 1
TK5103.12 .V33 1999 The cabling handbook / 1
TK5103.12 .V33 2000 The cabling handbook / 1
TK5103.12 .V33 2001 The cabling handbook / 1
TK5103.15 MIMO power line communications : narrow and broadband standards, EMC, and advanced processing /
Optical signal processing in highly nonlinear fibers
Distributed fiber sensing and dynamic ratings of power cable /
Cabling : the complete guide to copper and fiber-optic networking /
Optical signal processing in highly nonlinear fibers /
Physical layer security in power line communications : fundamentals, models and applications /
TK5103.15 .C45 2009 Electromagnetism and interconnections advanced mathematical tools for computer-aided simulation /
Electromagnetism and interconnections : advanced mathematical tools for computer-aided simulation /