Call Number (LC) Title Results
TK5101 .S29 Principles of coding : filtering, and information theory. 1
TK5101 .S298 Communication systems and techniques / 1
TK5101 .S298 1996 Communication systems and techniques /
Communication systems and techniques
TK5101 .S3 Information transmission, modulation, and noise : a unified approach to communication systems. 1
TK5101 .S3 1970 Information transmission, modulation, and noise : a unified approach to communication systems. 1
TK5101 .S3 1990 Information transmission, modulation, and noise / 1
TK5101 .S42 Detection theory. 1
TK5101 .S434 1992 Transmission networking : SONET and the synchronous digital hierarchy / 1
TK5101 .S448 1993 Claude Elwood Shannon collected papers /
Claude Elwood Shannon : collected papers /
TK5101 .S45 The mathematical theory of communication. 1
TK5101 .S45 1964 The mathematical theory of communication. 1
TK5101 .S46 2000 Telecommunications convergence : how to profit from the convergence of technologies, services, and companies / 2
TK5101 S474 2008eb Tecnologías de acceso para las icts : el instalador, los servicios y las redes de telecomunicaciones /
Televisión digital y telecomunicaciones en comunidades de propietarios /
TK5101 .S498 2018 Modern telecommunications : basic principles and practices / 1
TK5101 .S498 2018eb Modern telecommunications : basic principles and practices / 2
TK5101 .S525 2016 Cable and wireless networks : theory and practice / 2
TK5101 .S534 1989 Global impact : the new telecommunication technologies / 2
TK5101 .S535 1983 Telecommunications in the information age : a nontechnical primer on the new technologies / 2
TK5101 .S535 1986 Telecommunications in the information age : a nontechnical primer on the new technologies / 1
TK5101 .S567 1999eb Analogue and digital communication techniques 1