Call Number (LC) Title Results
RM666.Q5 The Quinolones / 1
RM666.Q5 V6 The therapeutic agents of the quinoline group, cinchophen, plasmoquine, nupercaine, quinine and acridine dyes : the relation between their chemical constitution and pharmacologic action / 1
RM666.Q55 New quinolones with potential anti-MRSA activity /
Fluoroquinolone Antibiotics
RM666.Q55 N48 1990 The New generation of quinolones / 1
RM666.Q55 P54 2021 Fluoroquinolone-associated disability (FQAD) : pathogenesis, diagnostics, therapy and diagnostic criteria : side-effects of fluoroquinolones / 1
RM666.Q55 Q55 1988 The Quinolones / 1
RM666.Q55 Q56 2003 Quinolone antimicrobial agents / 1
RM666.Q55 Q58 1988 The quinolones 1
RM666.Q55 Q58 2000eb The quinolones 1
RM666.R37 G66 1996 GONAL-F / 1
RM666 .R45 2006eb Resveratrol in health and disease / 1
RM666.R554 MicroRNA diagnostics and therapeutics
RNA therapeutics the evolving landscape of RNA therapeutics /
MicroRNA in regenerative medicine
MicroRNA in regenerative medicine /
Translating MicroRNAs to the clinic
Advanced delivery and therapeutic applications of RNAi /
RM666.R554 .A38 2013 Advanced Delivery and Therapeutic Applications of RNAi. 1
RM666.R554 R53 2010 RNA therapeutics function, design, and delivery / 1
RM666.R554 T47 1998 Therapeutic applications of ribozymes /
Therapeutic applications of ribozymes
RM666.S13 M43 2016 The meat lobby : big business against health?. 1
RM666.S14 V5 1680 The virtues and uses of the cordial spirit of saffron 1
RM666 .S165 The great preserver of mankind which is alexicacus, spirit of salt of the world now philosophically prepared and purged from all hurtfull or corroding qualities ... / 1
RM666 .S165 1670 Theory eydokoyntoz the great preserver of mankind which is alexicacus, spirit of salt of the world, now philosophically prepared and purged from all hurtfull or corroding qualities, for beyond any thing yet known to the world, being both safe and persistant for the use of all men, women and children / 1
RM666.S165 G7 The salicylates : a critical bibliographic review / 1