Call Number (LC) Title Results
RC555 .O75 2013 The origins of antisocial behavior : a developmental perspective / 1
RC555 .P38 Perspectives on violence / 1
RC555 .P784 2012 Psychopathy and law : a practitioner's guide / 1
RC555 .P79 1998 Psychopathy : theory, research and implications for society /
Psychopathy : theory, research, and implications for society /
RC555 .P89 2022 Psychopathy : its uses, validity and status / 1
RC555 .R47 2010 Responsibility and psychopathy : interfacing law, psychiatry, and philosophy / 1
RC555 .R85 1972 Disturbed communication : the clinical assessment of normal and pathological communicative behavior. 1
RC555 .S37 Sybil. 1
RC555 .S57 1996 Bad men do what good men dream : a forensic psychiatrist illuminates the darker side of human behavior / 2
RC555 .S57 2008eb Bad men do what good men dream : a forensic psychiatrist illuminates the darker side of human behavior / 1
RC555 .T46 2019 Understanding psychopathy : the biopsychosocial perspective / 2
RC555 .T5 The three faces of Eve / 1
RC555 .T5 1957 The three faces of Eve / 1
RC555 .T51 Las tres caras de Eva / 1
RC555 .T73 The Treatment of antisocial syndromes / 1
RC555 .U55 1986 Unmasking the psychopath : antisocial personality and related syndromes / 1
RC555 .V53 2019 Psychopathy : a very short introduction / 1
RC555 .V5613 2001 Violence and psychopathy / 1
RC555 .W65 1987 The sociopathic personality / 1
RC555 ebook Antisociales y psicoĢpatas / 1