Call Number (LC) Title Results
RC394.A5 N48 1984 Neuropsychology of memory / 1
RC394.A5 N48 1992 Neuropsychology of memory / 1
RC394.A5 N48 2002 Neuropsychology of memory / 1
RC394.A5 P37 1993 Neuropsychology of the amnesic syndrome / 1
RC394.A5 P37 2014eb Neuropsychology of the Amnesic Syndrome 1
RC394.A5 .T47 1997 Theories of organic amnesia / 1
RC394.A5 V55 2000 The Vintage book of amnesia : an anthology / 1
RC394.A7.C766 2008 Stroke - it Couldn't Happen to Me One Woman's Story of Surviving a Brain-Stem Stroke. 1
RC394.A7 H6 Episode : report on the accident inside my skull. 1
RC394.A7 P3 Strokes : how they occur and what can be done about them / 1
RC394.A7 S5 Care of the patient with a stroke : a handbook for the patient's family and the nurse. 1
RC394.A7 S5 1967 Care of the patient with a stroke : a handbook for the patient's family and the nurse. 1
RC394.A7 U45 Behavioral changes in patients following strokes. 1
RC394.A7 U57 Up and around : a booklet to aid the stroke patient in activities of daily living. 1
RC394.A7 V3 Comeback : the story of my stroke / 1
RC394.A75 Dyspraxia : a guide for teachers and parents / 1
RC394.A75 A25 1989 Acquired apraxia of speech in aphasic adults / 1
RC394.A75 A67 1984 Apraxia of speech : physiology, acoustics, linguistics, management / 1
RC394.A75 A675 1997 Apraxia : the neuropsychology of action / 1
RC394.A75 A675 1997eb Apraxia : the neuropsychology of action / 1