Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
RA410.55.E85 M857 1995 | Multiprofessional education of health personnel. | 1 |
RA410.55.E85 .O743 2018 | Organization and financing of public health services in Europe / | 1 |
RA410.55.E85 S474 1990 | Share borne by the beneficiary of the cost of medical care and of medical rehabilitation supplies. | 1 |
RA410.55.E85 S87 2021eb | The Sustainability of health care systems in Europe / | 1 |
RA410.55.E85 T46 2009 | Financing health care in the European Union : challenges and policy responses / | 1 |
RA410.55.F56 H25 1988 | Terveyspalvelujen kustannukset, rahoitus ja hinnat Suomessa vuosina 1960-1985 = Cost, financing, and prices of health care in Finland 1960-1985 / | 1 |
RA410.55.F6 S34 2020 | Analyzing the health impact of economic change : insights from a multi-level retrospective cohort study / | 1 |
RA410.55.F8 V354 2014 | Introduction à l'économie de la Santé 2° édition EBOOK PDF | 1 |
RA410.55.G2 S25 2014 | Health financing in the Republic of Gabon / | 2 |
RA410.55.G3 |
Wettbewerb im Gesundheitswesen. Theorie und Empirie der Arzt-Patient-Beziehung : zur Anwendung der Principal-Agent-Theorie auf die Gesundheitsnachfrage / Lebenserwartung, Morbidität und Gesundheitsausgaben / |
4 |
RA410.55.G3 B33 1999 | Rationalisierungsreserven im deutschen Gesundheitswesen : Bad Orber Gespräche über kontroverse Themen im Gesundheitswesen 4.-6.11.1999 / | 1 |
RA410.55.G3 B87eb | Aktuelle Probleme der Gesundheitspolitik in der BRD / | 2 |
RA410.55.G3 G47 1985 | Ökonomie des Gesundheitswesens Jahrestagung des Vereins für Socialpolitik, Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften in Saarbrücken, 1985 / | 1 |
RA410.55.G3 H43 2014eb | Health care utilization in Germany : theory, methodology, and results / | 1 |
RA410.55.G3 U47 1988 | Preis- und Mengeneffekte im Gesundheitswesen : eine Ausgabenanalyse von GKV-Behandlungsarten / | 1 |
RA410.55.G35 | Lebensstilwandel in Ostdeutschland Gesundheitsoekonomische Implikationen. | 1 |
RA410.55.G4 | Towards interventions on Human resources for health in Ghana : evidence for health workforce planning and results / | 1 |
RA410.55.G7 |
Rationalizing acute care services / Harnessing information for health economics analysis / How clinical commissioning groups tackle health inequalities : a qualitative case study / |
3 |
RA410.55.G7 A865 2006eb | What works in tackling health inequalities? : pathways, policies, and practice through the lifecourse / | 3 |
RA410.55.G7 C47 2007eb | Challenging health inequalities : from Acheson to 'choosing health' / | 1 |