Call Number (LC) Title Results
RA404.A1 .R445 2014 Registries for Evaluating Patient Outcomes : a User's Guide. 1
RA404.A1 T47 2005 Tests to evaluate public health disease reporting systems in local public health agencies
Tests to evaluate public health disease reporting systems in local public health agencies /
RA404.A1 T47 2005eb Tests to evaluate public health disease reporting systems in local public health agencies / 2
RA404.A3 A47 Public health records and related materials / 1
RA405.A1 D43 1988 Death : beyond whole-brain criteria / 2
RA405.A3 F86 2004i Funeral directors' handbook on death registration and fetal death reporting 1
RA405.A3 M43 1978i Medical examiners' and coroners' handbook on death registration and fetal death reporting 1
RA405.A3 P49 2004i Physicians' handbook on medical certification of death 1
RA407 Leading health indicators for Healthy People 2020 : letter report /
Statistics with Confidence : Confidence Intervals and Statistical Guidelines.
IoT-Based Data Analytics for the Healthcare Industry : Techniques and Applications /
World Health Statistics 2018 : Monitoring Health for the SDGs Sustainable Development Goals.
Social research in health and illness : case-based approaches /
Medical Statistics from Scratch : an Introduction for Health Professionals.
International handbook of health expectancies
Quality of Life Assessment: Key Issues in the 1990s /
Handbook of health survey methods /
Estadística y medicina : un enfoque para principiantes /
World Health Statistics 2016 : Monitoring Health for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
RA407.A1 Population health metrics
Open access medical statistics
RA407.A1 .H43 Health at a glance / 1
RA407.A1 L43 1999eb Leading health indicators for healthy people 2010 : second interim report / 1
RA407.A1 M6 Morbidity and mortality weekly report. MMWR. 1
RA407.A1 P76 The Progress of nations : the nations of the world ranked according to their achievements in child health, nutrition, education, water and sanitation, and progress for women. 1
RA407.A1 U5 no.9 1967 Infant and perinatal mortality in Denmark : statistical description and analysis of long-term trends in stillbirth, infant and perinatal mortality in Denmark; discussion of risk factors associated with infant mortality from an obstetrician's and from a pediatrician's point of view; and description of demographic characteristics, the Danish health system, and registration. 1
RA407.A1 W675 World health statistics / 1
RA407.A2 Researching health care : designs, dilemmas, disciplines / 1
RA407.A2 B62 2005 Body counts : medical quantification in historical and sociological perspective / 1
RA407 .A38 2005eb Statistical concepts and applications in clinical medicine / 1