Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
R727.2 .R48 2011eb | (Re)thinking violence in health care settings : a critical approach / | 1 |
R727.2 .U55 2016i | Workplace safety and health additional efforts needed to help protect health care workers from workplace violence : report to congressional requesters / | 1 |
R727.2 .V56 1994x | Violence and health care professionals | 1 |
R727.2 .W558 2003 | Maintaining control : an introduction to the effective management of violence and aggression / | 1 |
R727.3 |
Journal of patient experience Journal of patient-centered research and reviews CHALLENGES AND SOLUTIONSNARRATIVES OF PATIENT-CENTERED CARE. The antidote to suffering : how compassionate connected care can improve safety, quality, and experience / The Patient Paradigm Shifts : Profiling the New Healthcare Consumer. Doctors and Their Patients : a Social History. Patient-centered medicine : transforming the clinical method / THINKING ABOUT PATIENTS The patient as a person : an integrated and systemic approach to patient and disease / Doctor-patient communication in Chinese and western medicine / Regulacion de la sanidad motivos, modelos y concesiones. Shared struggles : stories from parents and pediatricians caring for children with serious illnesses / Health professional and patient interaction / Bedside matters : a journey through doctor-patient communication / Person-centred health care : balancing the welfare of clinicians and patients / Behind the consultation : reflective stories from clinical practice / Affective-discursive practice in online medical consultations in China : emotional and empathic acts, identity positions, and power relations / Patient-Centered Healthcare : Transforming the Relationship Between Physicians and Patients. Challenges and solutions in patient-centered care : a case book / Listening as work in primary care What are You Feeling Doctor? : Identifying and Avoiding Defensive Patterns in the Consultation / Dynamics of trust in doctor-patient relationship in India : a clinical, social and ethical analysis / Appreciative healthcare practice : a guide to compassionate, person-centred care / Cultivating empathy : inspiring health professionals to communicate more effectively / Consulting in a nutshell a practical guide to successful general practice consultations before, during and beyond the MRCGP / The chief concern of medicine : the integration of the medical humanities and narrative knowledge into medical practices / From Detached Concern to Empathy : Humanizing Medical Practice. Improving medical outcomes : the psychology of doctor-patient visits / Communication the Cleveland Clinic way : how to drive a relationship-centered strategy for superior patient experience / Making sense of medicine : bridging the gap between doctor guidelines and patient preferences / Consumer satisfaction in medical practice The art of medicine : healing and the limits of technology / A case study in simulating healthcare innovation for prescriptive modeling applications / Sufferers and healers : the experience of illness in seventeenth-century England / L'engagement des patients au service du système de santé / Trust and incidents : the dynamic of interpersonal trust between patients and practitioners / Disruptive healthcare provider behavior : an evidence-based guide / Human voices wake us / Person centered medicine / Patient-centered health care : achieving co-ordination, communication and innovation / General practice today : a practical guide to modern consultations / The fifteen minute hour : efficient and effective patient-centered consultation skills / Patienten- und Teamkommunikation für Ärzte : Konstruktiv, lösungsorientiert, praxisnah / Person-centered health care design / Masterclass in medicine : lessons from the experts / Doctors, Patients, and Society : Power and Authority in Medical Care. How Shakespeare inspires empathy in clinical care / Obligation : the changing physician-patient relationship and healthcare reforms in China / Improving person-centered innovation of nursing care : leadership for change / MRCP PACES ETHICS AND COMMUNICATION SKILLS The nature of healing the modern practice of medicine / The integrated practitioner : co-creating in health practice / |
57 |
R727.3 .A25 2016 | Abjectly boundless boundaries, bodies and health work / | 1 |
R727.3 .A28 2010eb | Abuse of the doctor-patient relationship / | 1 |
R727.3 .A343 2017 | Advancing relationship-based cultures / | 1 |
R727.3 A44 2000eb | Health care communication using personality type patients are different! / | 1 |
R727.3 .A44 2002eb | Health care communication using personality type : patients are different! / | 1 |
R727.3.A44 2002eb | Health care communication using personality type : patients are different! / | 1 |
R727.3 .A54 2016 | The integrated practitioner. | 1 |
R727.3 .A58 1987 | Ärztliches Handeln : Grundlagen, Möglichkeiten, Grenzen, Widersprüche / | 1 |
R727.3 .A76 1984 | Medicine and the management of living : taming the last great beast / | 1 |
R727.3 .A84 2010eb | Handbook of clinical skills : a practical manual / | 1 |
R727.3 .B25 |
Science and morality in medicine : a survey of medical educators / Science and morality in medicine ; a survey of medical educators / |
2 |
R727.3 .B288 2018 | Hippocratic oath or hypocrisy? : doctors at crossroads / | 1 |
R727.3 .B3 | The doctor, his patient, and the illness / | 1 |
R727.3 .B335 2020 | Intelligent kindness : rehabilitating the welfare state / | 1 |
R727.3 .B34 | Informed consent in medical therapy and research / | 1 |