Call Number (LC) Title Results
QL666.C5 R824 1995 Search for the great turtle mother / 2
QL666.C5 S57 1979 Guide to Mexican turtles ; Bibliographic addendum III / 1
QL666.C5 S65 1970 Sowerby & Lear's Tortoises, terrapins, and turtles / 1
QL666.C5 S68 2010 The last tortoise : a tale of extinction in our lifetime / 1
QL666.C5 T82 2000 Turtle conservation / 1
QL666.C5 .T867 Turtle and tortoise newsletter the newsletter of the chelonian conservationists and biologists. 1
QL666.C5 T87 1989 Turtles : perspectives and research / 1
QL666.C5 W44 1994 Turtles, tortoises, and terrapins : a checklist / 1
QL666.C5 Z33 The amateur zoologist's guide to turtles and crocodilians / 1
QL666.C5 Z84 1991 Age determination in turtles / 1
QL666.C536 A Sea Full of Turtles The Search for Optimism in an Epoch of Extinction.
The biology of sea turtles.
SEA TURTLE RESEARCH AND CONSERVATION lessons from working in the field.
Multispecies discourse analysis : the nexus of discourse and practice in sea turtle tourism and conservation /
QL666.C536 B46 2008 The book of honu : enjoying and learning about Hawaii's sea turtles / 1
QL666.C536 B55 2007 Biology and conservation of ridley sea turtles / 1
QL666.C536 B56 1997 The biology of sea turtles / 1
QL666.C536 B56 1997eb The biology of sea turtles / 1
QL666.C536 C3313 2018 Cacu : un cambio por la vida = Cacu : a change for life / 1
QL666.C536 C68 2016 Follow the moon home : a tale of one idea, twenty kids, and a hundred sea turtles / 1
QL666.C536 D37 2001 Fire in the turtle house : the green sea turtle and the fate of the ocean / 1
QL666.C536 D43 1990 Decline of the sea turtles : causes and prevention / 1
QL666.C536 -- D43 1990eb Decline of the Sea Turtles : Causes and Prevention. 1