Call Number (LC) Title Results
QH499 .T52 Vertebrate regeneration.
Vertebrate regeneration /
QH499 .T57 2011 Tissue engineering in regenerative medicine 1
QH499 .V543 Asexual propagation and regeneration / 1
QH499 .W68 2021 Wound regeneration : methods and protocols / 1
QH501 The nature of life /
On life : cells, genes, and the evolution of complexity /
A to Z world lifecycles : 175 countries : birth, childhood, coming of age, dating and courtship, marriage, family and parenting, work life, old age and death /
LIVING TECHNOLOGY philosophy and ethics at the crossroads between life and technology.
How life is different
How life works : a user's guide to the new biology /
On Life Cells, Genes, and the Evolution of Complexity.
What is life? : how chemistry becomes biology /
QH501 .A54 1995 The beauty of the beastly : new views on the nature of life / 2
QH501 .B52 Leçons sur les phénomènes de la vie communs aux animaux et aux végétaux 1
QH501 .C33 1997 Matters of life and death : perspectives on public health, molecular biology, cancer, and the prospects for the human race / 1
QH501 .C34 1974 The life game : evolution and the new biology / 1
QH501 .C36 Life cycles : an evolutionary approach to the physiology of reproduction, development, and ageing / 2
QH501 .C375 1996 The web of life : a new scientific understanding of living systems / 2
QH501 .C376 2016 The Serengeti rules : the quest to discover how life works and why it matters / 1
QH501 .C4 1964 Physiological foundations of behavior. 1
QH501 .C63 2012eb Cells to civilizations : principles of change that shape life / 2
QH501 .D24 Experimental morphology / 1
QH501 .D38 2019 The demon in the machine : how hidden webs of information are solving the mystery of life / 1
QH501 .D4 2004 La vita nell'epoca della sua riproducibilità tecnica / 1
QH501 .D68 1997 On beyond living : rhetorical transformations of the life sciences / 2
QH501 .D97 2007 A many-colored glass : reflections on the place of life in the universe / 2
QH501 .G35 1988 Life on earth / 1