Call Number (LC) Title Results
QH278 .K73 2001 Hidden worlds : looking through a scientist's microscope / 2
QH278 .S45 Greg's microscope / 1
QH301 Biology and medicine
microPublication biology
F1000 biology reports
Central European journal of biology
Redox biology
BMC biology
Biology direct
BMC systems biology
BMC research notes
The Einstein quarterly journal of biology and medicine
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis
Turkish journal of bioscience and collections
Advances in biology & earth sciences
Cogent biology
Structural biology
Journal of biological research
Biology bulletin
Biochemical and biophysical research communications
Cell & bioscience
International journal of life sciences and technology
Cell reports
All life
Theoretical population biology
New journal of science
Frontiers in molecular biosciences
Simbiosis journal of biological sciences.
European Journal of Biological Research
Journal of controversies in biomedical research
Jurnal biodjati
Biological bulletin
Scholars' research journal journal of life sciences and inter-disciplinary biology.
Research and reports in biology
Annals of West University of Timişoara.
South Asian journal of experimental biology
Pure and applied biology PAB.
Advances in biology
Open life sciences
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis.
Angewandten Biologie Forschung
Life sciences and medicine research
Research journal of Life Science
Biology open access journal.
Health sciences and disease the journal of medicine and health science.
Octa journal of biosciences
Revista de biologia e ciências da terra
BioLink jurnal biologi lingkungan, industri dan kesehatan,
Iranian journal of animal biosystematics
Unopar científica.
Revista cubana de ciencias biológicas
Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü dergisi
Analele Universitatii din Oradea, fascicula biologie
Anadolu Üniversitesi bilim ve teknoloji dergisi. Anadolu University journal of science and technology.
Bioscience trends
Australian life scientist
BBA clinical
Al-Hayat journal of biology and applied biology.
Sketching Theoretical Biology : Toward a Theoretical Biology, Volume 2.
Theoretical biology and medical modelling
Frontiers in life science
BioResearch open access
SRX biology
Nature communications
Survey of biological progress.
Schering Symposium on Endocrinology, Berlin, May 26 to 27, 1967 /
eJournal of biological sciences
The Cardiovascular System.
Life Sciences, Information Sciences /
Science abstracts of China. Chung-kuo kʻo hsüeh wen chai. Sheng wu kʻo hsüeh.
European journal of biology
Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London.
Revista de investigaciones Universidad del Quindío
Philosophical transactions.
BIO web of conferences
Studia Universitatis "Vasile Goldiș".
The structural basis of biological energy generation /
Conservation agriculture /
QH301-705 Diversity and Adaptation in Fish Behaviour /
Antimutagenesis and Anticarcinogenesis Mechanisms II.
The Impact of Plant Molecular Genetics /
Auditory Pathway : Structure and Function /
Structural Biology and Functional Genomics /
Annales Bryologici : a Yearbook Devoted to the Study of Mosses and Hepatics /
Biophysics of the Pancreatic [beta]-Cell /
Transition Metals in Biochemistry /
Where Do We Come From? : the Molecular Evidence for Human Descent /
Hearing by Whales and Dolphins /
Micromanipulation by Light in Biology and Medicine : the Laser Microbeam and Optical Tweezers /
Protein-Based Materials /
Vascular Morphogenesis: In Vivo, In Vitro, In Mente /
Sensory Perception and Transduction in Aneural Organisms /
Molecular Biology of Mutagens and Carcinogens /
Pigments in Vegetables : Chlorophylls and Carotenoids /
Insect Neurophysiological Techniques /
Appropriate Waste Management for Developing Countries /
Gradient Modeling : Resource and Fire Management /
Endothelial progenitor cells : a new real hope? /
Somesthesis and the Neurobiology of the Somatosensory Cortex /
Gene Therapy : Principles and Applications /
Aquatic Oligochaete Biology /
Perspectives of Biophysical Ecology /
Molecular Mechanisms of Membrane Fusion /
The Cellular Aspects of Biorhythms : Symposium on Rhythmic Research Sponsored by the VIIIth International Congress of Anatomy Wiesbaden 8.-14. August 1965 /
Principles of Wood Science and Technology : II Wood Based Materials /
Stripe rust /
Die Ueberpflanzung der männlichen Keimdrüse.
Microbial ecotoxicology /
Safety, ethics and regulations
Reactive Oxygen Species and Antioxidant Systems in Plants.
Systems Biology in Animal Production and Health, Vol. 1 /
Ethnobotany of the mountain regions of Far Eastern Europe Ural, Northern Caucasus, Turkey, and Iran /
Biomarkers and mental illness its not all in the mind /
Nanomaterials for regenerative medicine
Human impact on Danube Watershed biodiversity in the XXI Century
Biotechnological advances, phytochemical analysis and ethnomedical implications of Sapindus species
A semiotic methodology for animal studies
The Grape Genome
Coding strategies in vertebrate acoustic communication
Plant Ecology
The redesigned Earth a brief review of ecology for engineers, as if the Earth really mattered /
Plant-Fire Interactions : Applying Ecophysiology to Wildfire Management /
Masters Theses in the Pure and Applied Sciences Accepted by Colleges and Universities of the United States and Canada Volume 30 /
Cell biology and translational medicine.
Recent developments on Genus Chaetomium
Macrophage biology and activation
In Vitro Plant Breeding Towards Novel Agronomic Traits Biotic and Abiotic Stress Tolerance /
Fire in Ecosystems of Boreal Eurasia
Molecules, systems and signaling in liver injury
Body MDCT in Small Animals Basic Principles, Technology, and Clinical Applications /
Information processing in social insects /
Electromagnetic Biointeraction : Mechanisms, Safety Standards, Protection Guides /
Experimental Analysis of Insect Behaviour /
Perspectives in Running Water Ecology /
The Biophysics of Organ Cryopreservation /
Concepts in Viral Pathogenesis III /
Lectures on Photomorphogenesis /
Glossary of Genetics and Cytogenetics : Classical and Molecular /
Transport in Plants I : Phloem Transport /
Advanced Methods in Protein Sequence Determination /
Sustainable intensification of crop production /
Psychological mechanisms in animal communication /
Surface and Colloid Science /
Molecular Bioenergetics and Macromolecular Biochemistry : Meyerhof-Symposium Heidelberg, July 5-8, 1970 /
Protoplasmic Streaming /
A Laboratory Guide to Biotin-Labeling in Biomolecule Analysis /
Diffusion Processes /
Entering Research A Curriculum to Support Undergraduate and Graduate Research Trainees.
Fennoscandian Tundra Ecosystems : Part 2 Animals and Systems Analysis /
Microtubules /
Fungal Ecology.
Biology and ecology of venomous marine cnidarians
Nanotechnology for agriculture crop production & protection /
Plant Pathogenesis /
Genetics of Forest Ecosystems /
Mechanism of Action /
Plant Growth Substances 1970 : Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Plant Growth Substances Held in Canberra, Australia, December 7-11, 1970 /
Frontiers in Biosensorics I : Fundamental Aspects /
Evolution of Insect Migration and Diapause /
Stress-Inducible Cellular Responses /
Eukaryotic Gene Expression /
Regulation of Angiogenesis /
Frontiers in Biosensorics II : Practical Applications /
Hormones and Aggressive Behavior /
The Ethology of Predation /
A Choice Collection of Books on Zoology and Botany : From the Stock of Martinus Nijhoff Bookseller.
Molecular Genetics : 4. wissenschaftliche Konferenz der Gesellschaft Deutscher Naturforscher und Ärzte Berlin 1967 /
The Individual's Guide to Grants /
Genetic Engineering : Principles and Methods /
Behavioral Epidemiology and Disease Prevention /
Electrical Double Layers in Biology /
Signal Transduction and Protein Phosphorylation /
Valproate /
The Peptidergic Neuron /
New Strategies in Locust Control /
Modern Methods of Plant Analysis / Moderne Methoden der Pflanzenanalyse /
Inhibitors Tools in Cell Research /
Mechanism of Action of Antieukaryotic and Antiviral Compounds /
Mechanism of Action of Antibacterial Agents /
Fluorescence Techniques in Cell Biology /
Mammalian Reproduction /
The Dynamic Structure of Cell Membranes /
Environmental Physiology of Marine Animals /
Advanced Techniques in Biological Electron Microscopy /
Mediterranean Type Ecosystems : Origin and Structure /
Information Processing in the Visual Systems of Anthropods : Symposium Held at the Department of Zoology, University of Zurich, March 6-9, 1972 /
Regulation of Transcription and Translation in Eukaryotes /
Genetics and Mutagenesis of Fish /
Protein-Protein Interactions /
Membrane Biochemistry : a Laboratory Manual on Transport and Bioenergetics /
Bacterial, Phage and Molecular Genetics : an Experimental Course /
The Sea Urchin Embryo : Biochemistry and Morphogenesis /
Transport in Plants II : Part B Tissues and Organs /
Water and Plant Life : Problems and Modern Approaches /
Neural Principles in Vision /
Retinas of Fishes : an Atlas /
Biological Insect Pest Suppression /
Structure and Function of Haemocyanin /
Progress in Botany / Fortschritte der Botanik : Morphology · Physiology · Genetics · Taxonomy · Geobotany / Morphologie · Physiologie · Genetik · Systematik · Geobotanik /
Microbial Ecology of a Brackish Water Environment /
Normal, Transformed and Leukemic Leukocytes : a Scanning Electron Microscopy Atlas /
Structural and Kinetic Approach to Plasma Membrane Functions : Proceedings of a Meeting Held on September 6-9, 1976 in Grignon (France) /
Oxygen Transport to Tissue XI /
Antiviral Drug Development : a Multidisciplinary Approach /
Techniques and New Developments in Photosynthesis Research /
The Science of Photomedicine /
Sphingolipid Biochemistry /
Fortschritte der Arzneimittelforschung / Progress in Drug Research / Progrès des recherches pharmaceutiques /
Crassulacean Acid Metabolism : Analysis of an Ecological Adaptation /
Functions of Glutathione in Liver and Kidney /
Photosynthesis II : Photosynthetic Carbon Metabolism and Related Processes /
Red Cell Rheology /
Genetic and Molecular Basis of Plant Pathogenesis /
Agriculture in Semi-Arid Environments /
Modern Methods in Forest Genetics /
Fractals in Biology and Medicine /
Fragile Ecosystems : Evaluation of Research and Applications in the Neotropics /
The Hypercycle : a Principle of Natural Self-Organization /
The Little Book of Time /
Biomolecular Electronics : an Introduction via Photosensitive Proteins /
Anti-Idiotypic Vaccines /
Concepts in Viral Pathogenesis /
Perspectives in Grassland Ecology : Results and Applications of the US/IBP Grassland Biome Study /
Ecological Genetics: The Interface /
The Ribonucleic Acids /
Grassland Simulation Model /
Zooplankton Community Analysis : Studies on a Tropical System /
Recent Advances in Nervous System Toxicology /
Intermedia Pollutant Transport : Modeling and Field Measurements /
Biodeterioration Research 1 /
Organelles in Eukaryotic Cells : Molecular Structure and Interactions /
Advances in Biomagnetism /
New Actions of Parathyroid Hormone /
Trace Elements in Man and Animals 6 /
Eicosanoids, Apolipoproteins, Lipoprotein Particles, and Atherosclerosis /
Myelination and Demyelination : Implications for Multiple Sclerosis /
Metabolism and Enzymology of Nucleic Acids : Including Gene Manipulations /
Progress in Parkinson Research /
Membranes and Sensory Transduction /
Genetic Manipulation of Woody Plants /
Foraging Behavior /
The Molecular Immunology of Complex Carbohydrates /
Nervous Systems in Invertebrates /
Methods in Porphyrin Photosensitization /
The Reticuloendothelial System : a Comprehensive Treatise Volume 7B Physiology /
Biological Magnetic Resonance : Volume 3 /
Mitochondria /
Feeding and Survival Srategies of Estuarine Organisms /
Culture of Marine Invertebrate Animals : Proceedings -- 1st Conference on Culture of Marine Invertebrate Animals Greenport /
Bioinformatics: An Introduction /
Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology = Ergebnisse der Microbiologie und Immunitätsforschung.
Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology /
The Nervous Systems of Invertebrates: An Evolutionary and Comparative Approach : With a Coda written by T.H. Bullock /
Estuarine and Wetland Processes : With Emphasis on Modeling /
Viral Genes and Plant Pathogenesis /
Animal Research and Ethical Conflict : an Analysis of the Scientific Literature: 1966-1986 /
A Researcher's Guide to Scientific and Medical Illustrations /
The Arterial System : Dynamics, Control Theory and Regulation /
Signal Transduction in Mast Cells and Basophils /
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) -- Quo vadis? /
Problems of Life Research : Physiological Analyses and Phenomenological Interpretations /
Intersexuality in the Animal Kingdom /
Experimental Studies of Amphibian Development /
A Coastal Marine Ecosystem : Simulation and Analysis /
Advances in Biomedical Engineering /
Bioprospecting of Indigenous Bioresources of North-East India /
Protein Sequence Determination : a Sourcebook of Methods and Techniques /
Sensory Reception : Cytology, Molecular Mechanisms and Evolution /
Fennoscandian Tundra Ecosystems : Part 1 Plants and Microorganisms /
Primary Productivity of the Biosphere /
Pollination Mechanisms, Reproduction and Plant Breeding /
Chemical Relaxation in Molecular Biology /
Neuronal Operations in the Vestibular System /
Incompatibility in Fungi : a Symposium held at the 10th International Congress of Botany at Edinburgh, August 1964 /
Intracellular Staining in Neurobiology /
The Multiplication of Viruses / Virus Inclusions in Plant Cells / Virus Inclusions in Insect Cells / Antibiotika Erzeugende Virus-ähnliche Faktoren in Bakterien /
Membrane Structure /
The Chromosome Cycle : Kern- und Zellteilung B the Chromosome Cycle /
The Nuclear Structures of Protocaryotic Organisms (Bacteria and Cyanophyceae) /
Comparative Organellography of the Cytoplasm /
Chemical and Biological Aspects of Steroid Conjugation /
The Chromosome Complement /
Genome and Chromatin: Organization, Evolution, Function : Symposium, Kaiserslautern, October 13-15, 1978 /
Patterns of Chloroplast Reproduction : a Developmental Approach to Protoplasmic Plant Anatomy /
Composition and Function of Cell Membranes : Application to the Pathophysiology of Muscle Diseases /
Factors in Formation and Regression of the Atherosclerotic Plaque : Proceedings of a NATO Advanced Study Institute on the Formation and Regression of the Atherosclerotic Plaque, held September 3-13, 1980, in Belgirate, Italy /
Biological Reactive Intermediates III : Mechanisms of Action in Animal Models and Human Disease /
The Organization of Cell Metabolism /
Oxygen Transfer from Atmosphere to Tissues /
Uremic Toxins /
Prostaglandin and Lipid Metabolism in Radiation Injury /
Histophysiology of the Immune System : the Life History, Organization, and Interactions of Its Cell Populations /
Cerebral Blood Flow : Mathematical Models, Instrumentation, and Imaging Techniques /
Targeting of Drugs : Anatomical and Physiological Considerations /
Mycorrhizal Technology in Agriculture : From Genes to Bioproducts /
Neuroscientific Basis of Dementia /
Vitamin A and Retinoids: An Update of Biological Aspects and Clinical Applications /
Methods for Risk Assessment of Transgenic Plants : III. Ecological risks and prospects of transgenic plants, where do we go from here? A dialogue between biotech industry and science /
Coupling of Land and Water Systems /
Morphology and Physiology of Plant Tumors : Pathologie des Protoplasmas /
The Behavior of Centrioles and the Structure and Formation of the Achromatic Figure : Kern- und Zellteilung G der Kernteilungsmechanismus 1 /
Principles of Dispersal in Higher Plants /
Metal Pollution in the Aquatic Environment /
Flowering Plants : Evolution and Classification of Higher Categories Symposium, Hamburg, September 8-12, 1976 /
Orientierung der Tiere / Animal Orientation : Symposium in Garmisch-Partenkirchen 17.-21. 9. 1962 /
The Viscosity of Protoplasm /
The Enzymology of the Cell Surface Tension at the Cell Surface /
Biocolloids and their Interactions /
The pH of Plant Cells The pH of Animal Cells /
Neurotransmitters and Cortical Function : From Molecules to Mind /
Cerebellum and Neuronal Plasticity /
Pharmacological Approaches to the Treatment of Brain and Spinal Cord Injury /
Invertebrate Historecognition /
Lipid Storage Disorders : Biological and Medical Aspects /
Rapid Methods in Clinical Microbiology : Present Status and Future Trends /
Symmetries in Science IV : Biological and Biophysical Systems /
In Vivo Body Composition Studies : Recent Advances /
Terrestrial Space Radiation and Its Biological Effects /
Iodine and the Brain /
Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology : Ergebnisse der Mikrobiologie und Immunitätsforschung /
Enzyme Engineering : Volume 6 /
Radiolabeled Monoclonal Antibodies for Imaging and Therapy /
Environmental Stress, Adaptation and Evolution /
Water Balance in Land Arthropods /
Meiotic Configurations : a Source of Information for Estimating Genetic Parameters /
Inhibitors of Protein Biosynthesis /
Biology of the Arthropod Cuticle /
The Significance of Zoochromes /
Mechanics and Energetics of Biological Transport /
Measuring Selection in Natural Populations /
Selection in One- and Two-Locus Systems /
Human Oocytes and Their Chromosomes : an Atlas /
Epidemics of Plant Diseases : Mathematical Analysis and Modeling /
Thermodynamic Network Analysis of Biological Systems /
Intrinsic Neuronal Organization of the Vestibular Nuclear Complex in the Cat : a Golgi Study /
Le Vacuome de la Cellule Végétale : Morphologie. Le Vacuome Animal. Contractile Vacuoles of Protozoa. Food Vacuoles /
Neurochemical Systems /
Vegetation and Production Ecology of an Alaskan Arctic Tundra /
Preparing Scientific Illustrations : a Guide to Better Posters, Presentations, and Publications /
Leukocyte Adhesion Molecules /
Plant Pathosystems /
Biology of composts
Mushrooms, humans and nature in a changing world perspectives from ecological, agricultural and social sciences /
Microbes and Enzymes in Soil Health and Bioremediation
Encyclopedia of plant viruses and viroids
Services in family forestry
Climate change and multi-dimensional sustainability in African agriculture climate change and sustainability in agriculture /
Neurophysiology of Consciousness
Individual Differences in Hemispheric Specialization
The Nuclear Membrane and Nucleocytoplasmic Interchange
Natural Hazards in West and Central Africa
Symbiosis Mechanisms and Model Systems /
Living with Our Sun's Ultraviolet Rays
Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights / Annuaire De La Convention Europeenne des Droits De L'homme the European Commission and European Court of Human Rights / Comimssion et Cour Europeennes des Droits de L'homme /
Production Ecology of British Moors and Montane Grasslands
Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation Volume 7B /
The Bacteriocins
Progress in Botany / Fortschritte der Botanik Morphology · Physiology · Genetics · Taxonomy · Geobotany / Morphologie · Physiologie · Genetik · Systematik · Geobotanik /
Masters Theses in the Pure and Applied Sciences Accepted by Colleges and Universities of the United States and Canada Volume 39 /
The white confocal : microscopic optical sectioning in all colors /
Quantitative Biology of Metabolism : Models of Metabolism, Metabolic Parameters, Damage to Metabolism, Metabolic Control /
Insect Hormones and Bioanalogues /
Connective Tissue : Macromolecular Structure and Evolution /
Contraception Research for Today and the Nineties : Progress in Birth Control Vaccines /
Dynamic Morphology of Leukemia Cells : a Comparative Study by Scanning Electron Microscopy and Microcinematography /
Membrane Transport in Plants /
Human Chromosomes : Structure, Behavior, and Effects /
Lessepsian Migration : the Influx of Red Sea Biota into the Mediterranean by Way of the Suez Canal /
Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms in Disease : 1: Bioenergetics · Cell Specificity · Inborn Errors of Metabolism · Malnutrition · Calcium and Phosphorus Iron and Bile Pigments · Coagulopathies · Hormones Body Fluids and Electrolytes /
Transport in Plants II : Part A Cells /
Physical Aspects of Soil Water and Salts in Ecosystems /
Potato Cytology and Genetics 1952-1959 : Bibliographia Genetica. Volume 19, Part 2 /
Lychee disease management /
Nutritional and Toxicological Aspects of Food Safety /
Molecular and Cellular Biology of Insulin-like Growth Factors and Their Receptors /
Leukocyte Typing II : Volume 3 Human Myeloid and Hematopoietic Cells /
Ecology of Biological Invasions of North America and Hawaii /
Lipid Mediators in the Immunology of Shock /
Leukocyte Typing II : Volume 2 Human B Lymphocytes /
Hormones and Cancer /
Bioenergetics : Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, and Pathology /
Incompatibility in Angiosperms /
Foundations of Biophilosophy /
Multiple Muscle Systems : Biomechanics and Movement Organization /
Biophilosophy : Analytic and Holistic Perspectives /
Principles of Electrolocation and Jamming Avoidance in Electric Fish : a Neuroethological Approach /
Methods of Studying Root Systems /
Can Regulation Work?: The Implementation of the 1972 California Coastal Initiative /
Neurological regeneration /
Human Chromosomes /
Behavior and Arteriosclerosis /
Fungal applications in sustainable environmental biotechnology /
Lectures on Developmental Physiology /
Changing Things -- Moving People : Strategies for Promoting Sustainable Development at the Local Level /
Atlas of Cerebrospinal Fluid Cells /
Transgenic Organisms : Biological and Social Implications /
Lysosomes: A Survey /
Plant Growth Regulation : Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Plant Growth Substances Lausanne, August 30 - September 4, 1976 /
Light in Biology and Medicine : Volume 1 /
Biogenesis Evolution Homeostasis : a Symposium by Correspondence /
The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, it's impact on Egyptian agriculture and the potential for alleviating water scarcity
Controlled reproduction of wild Eurasian Perch : a hatchery manual /
Periconception in physiology and medicine /
Recombinant ecology -- a hybrid future?
Beekeeping : from science to practice /
Fruit fly research and development in Africa -- towards a sustainable management strategy to improve horticulture /
The reality for agricultural economics within the European Union : stressing the efficiency indicators across the representative farms /
Innovative saline agriculture /
Protocols in semen biology (comparing assays) /
Genome editing /
Physiological Plant Pathology
Experimental Neurochemistry
Self-Organizing Systems the Emergence of Order /
Conservation Genetics
The Genetics of the Tettigidae (Grouse Locusts)
Advances in Biochemical Engineering, Volume 1
Arid Zone Irrigation
Environmental Policy Between Regulation and Market
Biological Effects of Polynucleotides Proceedings of the Symposium on Molecular Biology, Held in New York, June 4-5, 1970 Sponsored by Miles Laboratories, Inc. /
Molecular Biology of Erythropoiesis
Molecular Structure, Function, and Assembly of the ATP Synthases
Pollen Biology Biochemistry Management /
Upwelling Ecosystems
Basic Exercises in Immunochemistry a Laboratory Manual /
Biodeterioration of Stone Surfaces Lichens and Biofilms as Weathering Agents of Rocks and Cultural Heritage /
Tetracyclines in Biology, Chemistry and Medicine
Proteases II Potential Role in Health and Disease /
The Metachromatic Reaction Cytoplasma D Vitalfärbung. Vitalfluorochromierung 2 /
Progress in Molecular and Subcellular Biology 3
Integrated pest management of tropical vegetable crops
Bioprospecting of Indigenous Bioresources of North-East India
Biology, productivity and bioenergy of timber-yielding plants : an experimental technology /
The olive tree genome /
Carotenoids in Nature Biosynthesis, Regulation and Function /
Mitochondrial dynamics in cardiovascular medicine /
Translational biomedical informatics : a precision medicine perspective /
Yeast diversity in human welfare
Rhizotrophs : plant growth promotion to bioremediation /
Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 1st International Congress Munich, 1970 /
Mutagenicity, Carcinogenicity, and Teratogenicity of Industrial Pollutants
Biological Neural Networks: Hierarchical Concept of Brain Function
Fluorescent Biomolecules Methodologies and Applications /
The Role of Arthropods in Forest Ecosystems
Progress in Botany/Fortschritte der Botanik Morphology · Physiology · Genetics Taxonomy · Geobotany/Morphologie · Physiologie · Genetik Systematik · Geobotanik /
Research in Congenital Hypothyroidism
Egg & ego an almost true story of life in the biology lab /
Nuclear Structure and Function
Symposium on Biophysics and Physiology of Biological Transport Frascati, June 15-18, 1965 /
Biotechnology and the Human Genome Innovations and Impact /
A Glossary of Genetics and Cytogenetics Classical and Molecular /
Plant Physiology Molecular, Biochemical, and Physiological Undamentals of Metabolism and development /
Strengthening Urban Management International Perspectives and Issues /
Proteomics in Functional Genomics Protein Structure Analysis /
Signal Transduction in Plants
Research Experiences in Plant Physiology a Laboratory Manual /
Cost-Benefit Analyses of Climate Change the Broader Perspectives /
The Early Life History of Fish the Proceedings of an International Symposium Held at the Dunstaffnage Marine Research Laboratory of the Scottish Marine Biological Association at Oban, Scotland, from May 17-23, 1973 /
Masters Theses in the Pure and Applied Sciences Accepted by Colleges and Universities of the United States and Canada Volume 32 /
Biological Transformation of Wood by Microorganisms Proceedings of the Sessions on Wood Products Pathology at the 2nd International Congress of Plant Pathology September 10-12, 1973, Minneapolis/USA /
Tropical Ecological Systems Trends in Terrestrial and Aquatic Research /
The Resonant Recognition Model of Macromolecular Bioactivity Theory and Applications /
The Regulation of Cellular Systems
Tropical Trees and Forests an Architectural Analysis /
Photosynthesis I Photosynthetic Electron Transport and Photophosphorylation /
Oceanography of a Large-Scale Estuarine System the St. Lawrence /
Advances in Biochemical Engineering, Volume 10
The Blood of Sheep Composition and Function /
Plant Tissue Culture and Its Bio-technological Application Proceedings of the First International Congress on Medicinal Plant Research, Section B, held at the University of Munich, Germany September 6-10, 1976 /
Mediterranean-type Ecosystems
Phylogeny and Ontogeny
Advances in Biomedical Engineering, Volume 18
Gene Quantification
Structure and Dynamics of Biopolymers
Plants in Saline Environments
Active Transport through Animal Cell Membranes
Progress in Molecular and Subcellular Biology
Physiological Ecology of the Alpine Timberline Tree Existence at High Altitudes with Special Reference to the European Alps /
Genes and Mechanisms in Vertebrate Sex Determination
Evolving Strategies and Tactics in Membrane Research
Lectures on Structure and Significance of Science
Nitrogen Fixation in Bacteria and Higher Plants
Signals and Images Selected Papers from the 7th and 8th GIRI Meeting, held in Montpellier, France, November 20-21, 1993, and Jerusalem, Israel, December 10-11, 1994 /
Advances in Biochemical Engineering, Volume 16
Evolution in the dark Darwin's loss without selection /
Research progress in oligosaccharins /
Pathways of a cell biologist : through yet another eye /
Natural and constructed wetlands : nutrients, heavy metals and energy cycling, and flow /
Belowground defence strategies in plants
Soil science agricultural and environmental prospectives /
Perinatal tissue-derived stem cells : alternative sources of fetal stem cells /
Evolution of the protein synthesis machinery and its regulation /
DNA methyltransferases : role and function /
Potassium solubilizing microorganisms for sustainable agriculture
New Zealand lizards
Next generation sequencing based clinical molecular diagnosis of human genetic disorders
Fibrous proteins : structures and mechanisms /
Microbial models : from environmental to industrial sustainability /
Drought stress tolerance in plants.
Biological adhesives
Soda lakes of East Africa
Hormonal Regulation of Fluid and Electrolytes Environmental Effects /
Growth and Growth Substances / Wachstum und Wuchsstoffe
Genetic Analysis of the X Chromosome Studies of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy and Related Disorders /
Plasma Membrane Oxidoreductases in Control of Animal and Plant Growth
Leukocyte Typing II Volume 1: Human T Lymphocytes /
Microsystem Technology a Powerful Tool for Biomolecular Studies /
Monitoring and surveillance of genetically modified higher plants Guidelines for procedures and analysis of environmental effects /
Transport in Plants III Intracellular Interactions and Transport Processes /
Manual of Physical Status and Performance in Childhood Volume 1B: Physical Status /
Structure and Function in Cilia and Flagella / Trichocystes, Corps Trichocystoïdes, Cnidocystes et Colloblastes
Progress in Botany / Fortschritte der Botanik Morphology · Physiology · Genetics Taxonomy · Geobotany / Morphologie · Physiologie · Genetik Systematik · Geobotanik /
A Spider's Web Problems in Regulatory Biology /
The Biology of Aging
Mass Spectrometry in Drug Metabolism
Molecular Systematics and Evolution: Theory and Practice
Molecular Dynamics in Biological Membranes
Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology Ergebnisse der Mikrobiologie und Immunitätsforschung /
Hemoglobin Cooperativity and Electronic Properties /
Estrogens, Progestins, and Their Antagonists Health Issues /
Mechanism of Action of Antimicrobial and Antitumor Agents
Extinct and Vanishing Animals a biology of extinction and survival /
Genetics of Fungi
Micro/nano cell and molecular sensors
Information Processing in Biological Systems
The Biochemistry of Alkaloids
Host Defenses to Intracellular Pathogens
Free Radicals and Aging
Progress in Vaccinology
Maximizing the Security and Development Benefits from the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention
Taxonomy and Genetics of Oenothera Forty years study in the cytology and evolution of the Onagraceae /
Systems Theory and Biology Proceedings of the III Systems Symposium at Case Institute of Technology /
Chemistry and Significance of Condensed Tannins
A Laboratory Guide to Glycoconjugate Analysis
Remote sensing for environmental sciences
Arctic Life of Birds and Mammals Including Man /
Recent trends in antifungal agents and antifungal therapy
Aquatic Mites from Genes to Communities
Phytoremediation management of environmental contaminants.
Contaminants in agriculture sources, impacts and management /
Essential plant nutrients : uptake, use efficiency, and management /
Chemistry of Fungicidal Action /
Phenology and Seasonality Modeling /
Chromosomes Today /
The Meiotic System /
Microautoradiography and Electron Probe Analysis Their Application to Plant Physiology /
QH301 .A16 Alternatives to laboratory animals ATLA.
Acta biologica Belgica.
QH301 .A235 Advancements in life sciences 1
QH301 .A28 Acta hydrobiologica. 1
QH301 .A3 Acta neurobiologiae experimentalis.
Acta neurobiologiae experimentalis
QH301 .A323 Acta biologica Hungarica
Acta biologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae.
QH301 .A325 Acta biotheoretica : ediderunt Directores Fundationis cui nomen est "Prof. Dr. Jan van der Hoeven-Stichting voor Theoretische Biologie van Dier en Mench verbonden aan de Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden."
Acta biotheoretica ediderunt Directores Fundationis cui nomen est "Prof. Dr. Jan van der Hoeven-Stichting voor Theoretische Biologie van Dier en Mench verbonden aan de Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden.".
QH301 .A3264 Acta biológica colombiana 1
QH301 .A3267 Acta scientiarum. 1
QH301 .A3268 Actanaturae 1
QH301 .A327 Actualidades biológicas 1
QH301 .A33 Nachrichten von der Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen.
Nachrichten aus der Biologie.
QH301 .A332 Izvesti︠i︡a Akademii nauk Azerbaĭdzhanskoĭ SSR. Azărba̐ijan SSR Elmlăr Akademi̐iasynyn khăbărlări. Bioloġi̐ia elmlări seri̐iasy. 1
QH301 .A338 Doklady.
Doklady. Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, biological sciences sections.
QH301 .A3433 Biochemistry. 1
QH301 .A35 Acta cytologica. 1
QH301 .A37 The all results journals. 1