Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
QD502.5 .B7813 2002eb |
Advanced organic chemistry : reaction mechanisms / Advanced organic chemistry reaction mechanisms / |
3 |
QD502.5 .B97 2012 | Investigation of reactions involving pentacoordinate intermediates : the mechanism of the Wittig reaction / | 1 |
QD502.5 .C4413 2012eb | Chemical vapor transport reactions / | 2 |
QD502.5 .F37 2004eb | Fast liquid-phase processes in turbulent flows | 1 |
QD502.5 .G66 2004 | Organic reaction mechanisms : 40 solved cases / | 1 |
QD502.5 .G76 1999 | The art of writing reasonable organic reaction mechanisms / | 1 |
QD502.5 .G76 2003 | The art of writing reasonable organic reaction mechanisms / | 2 |
QD502.5 .G76 2003eb | The art of writing reasonable organic reaction mechanisms | 1 |
QD502.5 .G77 2000 | Organic reaction mechanisms 2002 : an animal survey covering the literature dated January to December 2002 / | 1 |
QD502.5 .G77 2023 | Organic reaction mechanisms : selected problems and solutions / | 1 |
QD502.5 .G78 2000 | Organic reaction mechanisms : selected problems and solutions / | 1 |
QD502.5 .G79 2009 |
Chemistry in motion reaction-diffusion systems for micro- and nanotechnology / Chemistry in motion : reaction-diffusion systems for micro- and nanotechnology / |
2 |
QD502.5 .I56 | Bioinorganic reaction mechanisms | 1 |
QD502.5 .I56 1974eb | Inorganic reaction mechanisms. a review of the literature published between December 1971 and June 1973. | 1 |
QD502.5 .I56 2003 | Inorganic reaction mechanisms | 1 |
QD502.5 .I56 2012 | Inorganic/bioinorganic reaction mechanisms | 1 |
QD502.5 .J33 2004eb | Mechanisms in organic reactions | 1 |
QD502.5 .K56 2001 | Kinetics of homogeneous multistep reactions / | 1 |
QD502.5 .K86 2016 |
Pericyclic reactions : a mechanistic and problem solving approach / Pericyclic reactions a mechanistic and problem solving approach / |
2 |
QD502.5 .M53 1992 | Writing reaction mechanisms in organic chemistry | 1 |