Call Number (LC) Title Results
QD261 .W3 1948a Inorganic preparations : a laboratory manual / 1
QD261 .W46 A scheme for the detection of the more common classes of carbon compounds / 1
QD261 .Z83 2020 The organic chem lab survival manual : a student's guide to techniques / 1
QD261 ebook Introducción a las prácticas de química orgánica : parte general y analítica /
Química orgánica : fundamentos teórico-prácticos para el laboratorio /
Química orgánica experimental /
QD262 Diversity oriented synthesis
Asymmetric Catalysis
ACS combinatorial science
Organic and medicinal chemistry letters
Annual reports in organic synthesis-- 1972 /
Annual reports in organic synthesis--1973 /
Annual reports in organic synthesis-- 1971 /
Annual Reports in Organic Synthesis --1986 /
Photochemistry in organic synthesis /
Optimization of solid-phase combinatorial synthesis /
Organic synthesis
Advances in organic synthesis.
Multi-catalyst system in asymmetric catalysis /
Domino Reactions : Concepts for Efficient Organic Synthesis.
Multistep continuous flow synthesis of fine chemicals with heterogeneous catalysts
Organic functional group preparations.
Organic nanomaterials : synthesis, characterization, and device applications /
CO2 as a building block in organic synthesis
Asymmetric synthesis of three-membered rings /
Cobalt catalysis in organic synthesis methods and reactions /
Annual reports in organic synthesis : 1980 /
Greene's protective groups in organic synthesis.
Asymmetric synthetic methodology /
Annual reports in organic synthesis-- 1985 /
Organometallics in synthesis : third manual /
Kinetic Control in Synthesis and Self-Assembly /
Copper-catalyzed asymmetric synthesis /
Worked Solutions in Organic Chemistry /
Sulfur dioxide insertion reactions for organic synthesis /
Annual reports in organic synthesis--1989
Lewis base catalysis in organic synthesis.
Annual reports in organic synthesis.
Organic nanoreactors : from molecular to supramolecular organic compounds /
Chiral Lewis acids in organic synthesis /
Advances in the use of synthons in organic chemistry : a research annual.
Dienamine catalysis for organic synthesis /
Axially chiral compounds asymmetric synthesis and applications /
Heterocycles as chiral auxiliaries in asymmetric synthesis /
Organometallics in synthesis : fourth manual /
Annual reports in organic synthesis --1992 /
Side reactions in organic synthesis II aromatic substitutions /
Annual reports in organic synthesis-- 1993 /
Zinc catalysis : applications in organic synthesis /
C-H activation for asymmetric synthesis /
Stereoselective multiple bond-forming transformations in organic synthesis /
Annual reports in organic synthesis : 1982 /
Domino reactions : concepts for efficient organic synthesis /
Green sustainable process for chemical and environmental engineering and science.
Catalysis of organic reactions
Synthetic organic chemistry and the Nobel Prize.
Catalyst-free organic synthesis
Annual reports in organic synthesis, 1983 /
Chiral ligands : evolution of ligand libraries for asymmetric catalysis /
Catalysis of organic reactions /
Handbook of reagents for organic synthesis : reagents for organocatalysis /
Catalysis in organic syntheses 1977 [proceedings] /
General and synthetic methods. a review of the literature published during 1981.
Compendium of Organic Synthetic Methods : Volume 11.
Multicomponent reactions in organic synthesis /
Evaporative Self-assembly of Ordered Complex Structures.
Chemistry of organo-hybrids : synthesis and characterization of functional nano-objects /
CO2 as a building block in organic synthesis /
Organic syntheses based on name reactions : a practical guide to 750 transformations /
Green Sustainable Process for Chemical and Environmental Engineering and Science : Methods for Producing Smart Packaging /
Annual reports in organic synthesis-- 1974 /
From biosynthesis to total synthesis : strategies and tactics for natural products /
Axially chiral compounds : asymmetric synthesis and applications /
Advances in Organic Synthesis.
Catalyst-free Organic Synthesis.
Microwaves in catalysis : methodology and applications /
Microwave-assisted organic synthesis : a green chemical approach /
Sustainable organic synthesis : tools and strategies /
Handbook of reagents for organic synthesis : reagents for heteroarene functionalization /
Nanoparticles in green organic synthesis : strategy towards sustainability /
Cutting-edge organic synthesis and chemical biology of bioactive molecules : the shape of organic synthesis to come /
The chemical transformations of C1 compounds /
Multicomponent reactions in organic synthesis
Chiral Lewis acids /
Handbook of coordination catalysis in organic chemistry
Strategies and tactics in organic synthesis.
Annual reports in organic synthesis, 1970 /
Diversity-oriented synthesis : basics and applications in organic synthesis, drug discovery, and chemical biology /
Natural product biosynthesis : chemical logic and enzymatic machinery /
Catalysis in organic syntheses /
Methods and applications of cycloaddition reactions in organic syntheses /
Pot, atom, and step economy (PASE) synthesis
Annual reports in organic synthesis-- 1995 /
Transition metal organometallics in organic synthesis.
Advanced organic synthesis : a laboratory manual /
Annual reports in organic synthesis, 1991 /
Photochemical synthesis /
Silicon reagents in organic synthesis /
Cobalt catalysis in organic synthesis : methods and reactions /
Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Dynamical Systems, Proceedings of the ICM2002 Satellite Conference.
Key chiral auxiliary applications /
Photochemical and electrochemical activation strategies of C(sp3)-based building blocks for organic synthesis /
Organic synthesis using biocatalysis /
Asymmetric Organocatalysis
C-C cross couplings with 3d base metal catalysts /
Solid-phase synthesis of nitrogenous heterocycles /
A holistic approach to organic synthesis /
Strategies and tactics in organic synthetics
Continuous-flow chemistry in the research laboratory : modern organic chemistry in dedicated reactors at the dawn of the 21st century /
Hybrid retrosynthesis : organic synthesis using Reaxys and SciFinder /
Visibile light-driven organic synthesis
Fiesers' Reagents for Organic Synthesis.
Yearbook of asymmetric synthesis 1991
Stereoselective desymmetrization methods in the assembly of complex natural molecules /
Comprehensive organic synthesis.
Organic syntheses based on name reactions a practical guide to 750 transformations /
A theoretical study of Pd-catalyzed C-C cross-coupling reactions /
Rearrangements with migration to electrophilic heteroatomic centers : timeless classics in organic synthesis /
Room temperature organic synthesis
Green synthesis of silver nanomaterials
Advances in asymmetric autocatalysis and related topics
QD262 .A282 2010 Advances in Organic Synthesis. 1
QD262 .A285 Advances in asymmetric synthesis. 1
QD262 .A29 1990 Advanced practical organic chemistry / 1
QD262 .A34 1995 Advanced practical organic chemistry / 1
QD262 .A38 1990 Advanced practical organic chemistry / 1
QD262 .A38 1990eb Advanced practical organic chemistry / 1
QD262 .A38 1995 Asymmetric synthetic methodology / 1
QD262 .A38 1996 Asymmetric synthetic methodology /
Advanced asymmetric synthesis /
QD262 .A38 2013 Advances in Organic Synthesis (Volume 3).
Advances in Organic Synthesis (Volume 4)
Advances in Organic Synthesis (Volume 5)
QD262 .A38 2017 Advances in organic synthesis. 1
QD262 .A383 Advances in the use of synthons in organic chemistry. 1
QD262 .A383 2018 Advances in Organic Synthesis. 1
QD262 .A3836 1996 Advanced asymmetric synthesis / 1
QD262 .A39 2012 Oxidations in organic synthesis / 1
QD262 .A44 2001 Organic synthesis : special techniques / 1