Call Number (LC) Title Results
QC981.45 .G63 1994 GOALS, Global Ocean-Atmosphere-Land System, for predicting seasonal-to-interannual climate : a program of observation, modeling, and analysis / 1
QC981.45 .G76 2018 Weather and society : an integrated approach / 1
QC981.45 .N383 2010 A guide to empirical orthogonal functions for climate data analysis 1
QC981.45 .P48 2006 Simulating nature : a philosophical study of computer-simulation uncertainties and their role in climate science and policy advice / 1
QC981.45 .P48 2012 Simulating nature : a philosophical study of computer-simulation uncertainties and their role in climate science and policy advice / 1
QC981.45 .R44 Weathering the wilderness : the Sierra Club guide to practical meteorology / 2
QC981.45 .S38 1981 Weather and energy / 1
QC981.45 .T547 1988 A surface energy balance model with inclusion of vegetation for use in the MIUU meso-[gamma]-scale model : a preliminary study / 1
QC981.45 .W43 2021 Weather : spaces, mobilities and affects / 1
QC981.45 .W75 2025 Becoming weatther : weather, embodiment and affect / 1
QC981.5 Schlüsselwerke der sozialwissenschaftlichen Klimaforschung /
Teaching climate science in the elementary classroom : a place-based, hope-filled approach to understanding earth's systems /
QC981.5 .F57 1985 First implementation plan for the World Climate Research Programme. 1
QC981.5 .K69 1989 Institutional directory, climate-related impacts network / 2
QC981.5 .M4 1986 Mesoscale meteorology and forecasting
Mesoscale meteorology and forecasting /
QC981.5 .N36 1996 NAOS : the North American Atmospheric Observing System program plan. 1
QC981.5 .N37 2001 A climate services vision : first steps toward the future / 1
QC981.5 .N37 2001eb A climate services vision : first steps toward the future / 1
QC981.5 .N38 2000 Issues in the integration of research and operational satellite systems for climate research. 1
QC981.5.N38 2000eb Issues in the Integration of Research and Operational Satellite Systems for Climate Research Part II : Implementation. 1
QC981.5 .N38 2000eb Issues in the integration of research and operational satellite systems for climate research. 1