Call Number (LC) Title Results
QC772 .C3 1957 Russian-English atomic dictionary. 1
QC772 .C6 Concise encyclopaedia of nuclear energy / 1
QC772 .D4 Concise dictionary of atomics / 1
QC772 .D57 2001 Dictionary of material science and high energy physics / 1
QC772 .D57 2001eb Dictionary of material science and high energy physics / 2
QC772 .E4 1970 Elsevier's dictionary of nuclear science and technology / 1
QC772 .G28 Concise encyclopedia of atomic energy. 1
QC772 .G3 Pocket encyclopedia of atomic energy. 1
QC772 .G5513 The atom from A to Z / 1
QC772 .G56 1983 Glossary of terms used in particle physics / 1
QC772 .H64 1963i The atomic energy deskbook 1
QC772 .L4 Dictionary of atomic terminology. 1
QC772 .M813 Concise encyclopedia of the atom / 1
QC772 .N33 1957 A glossary of terms in nuclear science and technology. 1
QC772 .R3 Wörterbuch der Kernphysik. : Deutsch-Englisch/Amerikanisch; Englisch/Amerikanisch-Deutsch. 1
QC772 .U5 1958 Atomic energy : glossary of technical terms = Énergie atomique, glossaire des termes techniques = Energía atómica, glosario de términos técnicos = Atomnai︠a︡ energii︠a︡, glossarit tekhnichesknkh terminov. 1
QC772 .V6 Russko-angliĭskiĭ ︠i︡adernyĭ slovarʹ / 1
QC772 .V623 Anglo-russkiĭ ︠i︡adernyĭ slovar' / 1
QC772.2 .P37 1995 Particle physics / 1
QC772.4 .U5 Directory of USAEC specialized information and data centers. 1