Call Number (LC) Title Results
QB54 .C66 Communication with extraterrestrial intelligence (CETI) / 1
QB54 .C686 2013 Life Beyond Earth : the Search for Habitable Worlds in the Universe.
Life Beyond Earth the Search for Habitable Worlds in the Universe.
QB54 .C76 1986 The extraterrestrial life debate, 1750-1900 : the idea of a plurality of worlds from Kant to Lowell / 1
QB54 .C764 2008 The extraterrestrial life debate, antiquity to 1915 : a source book / 3
QB54 .D365 2000 The extraterrestrial encyclopedia : an alphabetical reference to all life in the universe / 2
QB54 .D38 1995 Are we alone? : philosophical implications of the discovery of extraterrestrial life / 2
QB54 .D3913 1991 The cosmic water hole / 1
QB54 .D4695 2018 Astrobiology, discovery, and societal impact / 2
QB54 .D47 1996 The biological universe : the twentieth-century extraterrestrial life debate and the limits of science / 1
QB54 .D472 2000 Extraterrestrial life and our world view at the turn of the millennium / 1
QB54 .D475 1998 Life on other worlds : the 20th-century extraterrestrial life debate / 2
QB54 .D5 Plurality of worlds : the origins of the extraterrestrial life debate from Democritus to Kant / 1
QB54 .D63 1964 Habitable planets for man / 1
QB54 .D63 1970 Habitable planets for man / 1
QB54 .D64 Planets for man / 1
QB54 .D7 Intelligent life in space. 1
QB54 .D72 1992 Is anyone out there? : the scientific search for extraterrestrial intelligence / 2
QB54 .D73 2015eb The Drake equation : estimating the prevalence of extraterrestrial life through the ages / 1
QB54 .E4813 Man on another world / 1
QB54 .E93 2025 Exophilosophy : the philosophical implications of alien life / 1