Call Number (LC) Title Results
QA76.625.I24 2002eb Cooperative Internet computing / 1
QA76.625 .I24 2006 Cooperative internet computing : proceedings of the 4th International Conference (CIC 2006), Hong Kong, China, 25-27 October 2006 / 1
QA76.625 .I24 2008 Cooperative Internet Computing : Proceedings of the 4th International Conference (CIC 2006) 1
QA76.625 .I245 2005eb EUNICE 2005: networks and applications towards a ubiquitously connected world IFIP International Workshop on Networked Applications, Colmenarejo, Madrid/Spain, 6-8 July, 2005 / 1
QA76.625 .I25 2002eb Internet programming with OmniMark /
Internet programming with OmniMark
QA76.625 .I577 2000 Introducing .NET / 2
QA76.625 .I58 2000 Internet programming with OmniMark / 1
QA76.625 .J33 2008eb Foundation Flex for developers data-driven applications with PHP, ASP.NET, ColdFusion, and LCDS / 1
QA76.625 .J35 2023 A Brief Introduction to Web3 : Decentralized Web Fundamentals for App Development. 2
QA76.625 J69 2003eb ADO .NET programming / 1
QA76.625 .K37 2019 Web-based projects that rock the class : build fully-functional web apps and learn through doing / 2
QA76.625 .K555 2008eb Professional IIS 7 and ASP.NET integrated programming / 2
QA76.625 K56 2008 Website optimization / 1
QA76.625 .K56 2008eb Website optimization / 1
QA76.625 .K56168 2012 Optymalizacja serwisów internetowych : tajniki szybkości, skuteczności i wyszukiwarek / 1
QA76.625 .K68 2003b Developing Microsoft ASP.NET server controls and components / 1
QA76.625 .K846 2013 Performante Webanwendungen : Client- und serverseitige Techniken zur Performance-Optimuerung / 1
QA76.625 .K87 2000b Internet programming with Visual Basic 1
QA76.625 .L33 2010 Adobe Flex 4 : training from the source / 1
QA76.625 .L33 2012 Adobe Flex 4.5 fundamentals : training from the source / 1