Call Number (LC) Title Results
Q147 .E336 2016 Failing families, failing science : work-family conflict in academic science / 2
Q147 .E36 Science as a career choice; theoretical and empirical studies.
Science as a career choice : theoretical and empirical studies /
Q147 .E53 2000 Enhancing the postdoctoral experience for scientists and engineeers : a guide for postdoctoral scholars, advisers, institutions, funding organizations, and disciplinary societies / 1
Q147 .E88 2004 Experts in science and society / 1
Q147 .E92 2017eb ReSearch : a career guide for scientists / 1
Q147 .F45 1993 A Ph.D. is not enough : a guide to survival in science / 1
Q147.F45 2011 PhD Is Not Enough! : a Guide to Survival in Science. 1
Q147 .F5 Guide to opportunities for education, training, and research in the sciences. 1
Q147 .F58 2001 Put your science to work : the take-charge career guide for scientists /
Put your science to work the take-charge career guide for scientists /
Q147 .F667 2008 The responsible scientist : a philosophical inquiry / 1
Q147 .G33 2012 How to succeed as a scientist : from postdoc to professor / 1
Q147 .G33 2012eb How to succeed as a scientist : from postdoc to professor / 1
Q147 .G42 2010 Turning science into things people need : voices of scientists working in industry / 1
Q147 .G565 2021eb It's a game, not a formula : how to succeed as a scientist working in the private sector / 1
Q147 .G63 2000eb Careers for geniuses & other gifted types / 1
Q147 .G75 2011 Quantify! : a crash course in smart thinking / 2
Q147 .G85 2020 A guide to the scientific career : virtues, communication, research and academic writing / 3
Q147 .H35 2007 Who's afraid of Marie Curie? : the challenges facing women in science and technology / 1
Q147 .H37 2011 Drive and curiosity : what fuels the passion for science / 1
Q147 .H47 1998 The stars are not enough : scientists--their passions and professions / 2