Call Number (LC) Title Results
PREX 30.2:SCI 2/V.1-2 Climate science special report : fourth National Climate Assessment / 1
PREX 30.2:SCI 2/V.2/BRIEF Fourth National Climate Assessment. 1
PREX 30.2:SCI 2/V.2/BRIEF/SPAN Cuarta EvaluaciĆ³n Nacional del Clima. 1
PREX 30.2:SCI 2/V.2/SUMMARY Fourth National Climate Assessment. 1
PREX 30.2:T 68 Impacts of climate change and variability on transportation systems and infrastructure Gulf Coast study, phase I / 1
PREX 31.1: Agency financial report.
Performance and accountability report.
PREX 31.1/2: Freedom of Information Act annual report. 1
PREX 31.15:C 73 Community justice partnerships 1
PREX 31.15:C 73/2 Community supervision 1
PREX 31.15:C 83 CSOSA mission & critical success factors 1
PREX 31.15:D 33 Day Reporting Center 1
PREX 31.15:D 44 DNA collection 1
PREX 31.15:D 63 Distribution of District of Columbia inmates* housed in a BOP facility by state and gender / 1
PREX 31.15:IN 8 Interstate compact 1
PREX 31.15:M 52 Adult probationers/parolees with mental illness in the criminal justice system 1
PREX 31.15:OF 2 Offender reentry in Washington, DC 1
PREX 31.15:R 22 Re-entry and Sanctions Center (RSC) fact sheet / 1
PREX 31.15:SE 9 Sex offender unit 1
PREX 31.2:C 68 Illegal Substance Collection Unit 1
PREX 31.2:C 83 CSOSA's Reentry and Sanctions Center an opportunity for leadership. 1