Call Number (LC) Title Results
PR3001 .B55 Der Melancholikertypus Shakespeares und sein Ursprung / 1
PR3001 .B73 1987 Shakespeare's scepticism / 1
PR3001 .B8 The psychology of Shakespeare / 1
PR3001 .B83 2021 Hazarding all : Shakespeare and the drama of consciousness / 1
PR3001 .C4 1981 Infirm glory : Shakespeare and the Renaissance image of man / 2
PR3001 .C67 2007 Seeming knowledge : Shakespeare and skeptical faith / 1
PR3001 .C67 2007eb Seeming knowledge : Shakespeare and skeptical faith / 1
PR3001 .C8 Shakespeare's philosophical patterns / 1
PR3001 .C8 1959 Shakespeare's philosophical patterns. 1
PR3001 .E6 Shakespeare and the stoicism of Seneca. : (An address read before the Shakespeare Association 18th March, 1927) / 1
PR3001 .E64 1993 Shakespearean pragmatism : market of his time / 2
PR3001 .F3 The design within : psychoanalytic approaches to Shakespeare / 1
PR3001 .F74 1991 Broken symmetries : a study of agency in Shakespeare's plays / 1
PR3001 .H355 2017 Shakespeare's folly : philosophy, humanism, critical theory / 1
PR3001 .H47 2019 Shakespeare and the truth-teller : confronting the cynic ideal / 1
PR3001 .H86 2011 Shakespeare's speculative art /
Shakespeare's speculative art
PR3001 .J27 1992 Shakespeare and the dialectic of certainty / 1
PR3001 .J3 The dream of learning : an essay on ʼThe advancement of learning,ʼ ʻHamletʼ and ʻKing Lear,ʼ /
The dream of learning : an essay on the Advancement of learning, Hamlet, and King Lear.
PR3001 .J3 1965 The dream of learning : an essay on ʼThe advancement of learning,ʼ ʻHamletʼ and ʻKing Lear,ʼ / 1
PR3001 .J3 1976 The dream of learning : an essay on The advancement of learning, Hamlet, and King Lear / 1