Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
PN56.B62 F88 2009 | The future of flesh : a cultural survey of the body / | 1 |
PN56.B62 G37 2013 | Haptic modernism : touch and the tactile in modernist writing / | 2 |
PN56.B62 H57 2010 | Historicizing fat in Anglo-American culture / | 1 |
PN56.B62 H57 2010eb | Historicizing fat in Anglo-American culture / | 1 |
PN56.B62 J37 2009 | The sacred body : asceticism in religion, literature, art, and culture / | 1 |
PN56.B62 K62 2006 | Körper mit Gesicht : rhetorische Performanz und postkoloniale Repräsentation in der Literatur am Ende des 20. Jahrhunderts / | 1 |
PN56.B62 K67 1997 | Körper, Gedächtnis, Schrift : der Körper als Medium kultureller Erinnerung / | 1 |
PN56.B62 K73 2010 |
Home bodies : tactile experience in domestic space / Home bodies tactile experience in domestic space / |
2 |
PN56.B62 L56 1997 | Literalität und Körperlichkeit = Littéralité et corporalité / | 1 |
PN56.B62 L57 1992 | Literature and the body / | 1 |
PN56.B62 M37 1986 | La parole mangée et autres essais théologico-politiques / | 1 |
PN56.B62 M3713 1989 | Food for thought / | 1 |
PN56.B62 M46 1994 | Minding the body : women writers on body and soul / | 1 |
PN56.B62 M48 2013 | Hurt and pain : literature and the suffering body / | 1 |
PN56.B62 M85 2016eb | Dangerous bodies : historicising the gothic corporeal / | 1 |
PN56.B62 N48 1998 | Bodies at risk : unsafe limits in romanticism and postmodernism / | 1 |
PN56.B62 N48 1998eb | Bodies at risk : unsafe limits in romanticism and postmodernism / | 1 |
PN56.B62 P47 2016 | Performing the Renaissance body : essays on drama, law, and representation / | 1 |
PN56.B62 P73 2015eb | Probing the skin : cultural representations of our contact zone / | 1 |
PN56.B62 R68 2022 | Formal matters : embodied experience in modern literature / | 1 |