Call Number (LC) Title Results
PN49 .R63 2004eb Why literature matters in the 21st century / 2
PN49 .R64 2022 Ausreden : Rausreden, Auserzählen, Abschreiben / 1
PN49 .R7 Philosophy in literature / 1
PN49 .R72 Literature & philosophy : an analysis of the philosophical novel / 1
PN49 .R745 2016 The Routledge companion to literature and religion / 2
PN49 .R75 2003 The uncanny / 1
PN49 .R76 2007 Religion and the muse : the vexed relation between religion and Western literature / 1
PN49 .R775 2013 Stanley Cavell and the claim of literature / 1
PN49 .R775 2013eb Stanley Cavell and the claim of literature / 1
PN49 .R8 Horizons of criticism : an assessment of religious-literary options / 1
PN49 .R93 1985 Windows to the world : literature in Christian perspective / 1
PN49 .S14 2019 Zhu Guangqian and Benedetto Croce on aesthetic thought : with a translation of the Wenyi xinlixue (The psychology of art and literature) / 1
PN49 .S15 1982 Le Sacré : aspects et manifestations : études publiées in memoriam Horst Baader / 1
PN49 .S158 1999 Systems theory as an approach to the study of literature : origins and functions of literature / 1
PN49 .S3 Gods of the people. 1
PN49 .S3248 2001 Dante to Dead man walking : one reader's journey through the Christian classics / 1
PN49 .S325 The broken center : studies in the theological horizon of modern literature / 1
PN49 .S327 Negative capability; studies in the new literature and the religious situation / 1
PN49 .S33 Rehearsals of discomposure : alienation and reconciliation in modern literature: Franz Kafka, Ignazio Silone, D. H. Lawrence [and] T. S. Eliot. 1
PN49 .S34 The tragic vision and the Christian faith. 1