Call Number (LC) Title Results
PL98-210 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Marine Fisheries Program Authorization Act 1
PL98-211 Education Consolidation and Improvement Act of 1981 Amendments. 1
PL98-212 Department of Defense Appropriation Act, 1984. 1
PL98-213 Territories Improvement Projects Authorization of 1983. 1
PL98-214 Federal Communications Commission Authorization Act of 1983. 1
PL98-215 Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1984 1
PL98-216 Money, Finance, and Transportation U.S. Code Amendments 1
PL98-217 Panama Canal Act of 1979 Amendment 1
PL98-218 Suspension of Duty for Twenty-Third Olympiad 1
PL98-219 Paiute Indians Land Trust Act 1
PL98-220 National Energy Education Day 1
PL98-221 Rehabilitation Amendments of 1984. 1
PL98-222 Export Administration Act of 1979 Extension 1
PL98-223 Veterans' Compensation and Program Improvements Amendments of 1984. 1
PL98-224 Civil Service Miscellaneous Amendments of 1983. 1
PL98-225 National Beta Club Week 1
PL98-226 Frozen Food Day 1
PL98-227 Women's History Week 1
PL98-228 National Theatre Week 1
PL98-229 Interstate and Defense Highways Funds Apportionment Act. 1