Call Number (LC) Title Results
PG3488.O4 R3513 1969 Cancer ward / 1
PG3488.O4 R3513 1969b Cancer ward / 1
PG3488.O4 R3513 1970 Cancer ward / 1
PG3488.O4 .S659 2020 Between Two Millstones, Book 2 Exile in America, 1978-1994. 1
PG3488.O4 S813 Candle in the wind / 1
PG3488.O4 V2 1969 V kruge pervom : roman. 1
PG3488.O4 V2 1989 V kruge pervom : roman / 1
PG3488.O4 V2 1990b V kruge pervom : roman / 1
PG3488.O4 V247 1975 The technoscape in the modern novel: Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's The first circle and Ralph Ellison's Invisible man / 1
PG3488.O4 V5 V kruge pervom / 1
PG3488 .O4 W4 "We never make mistakes" : two short novels / 1
PG3488.O4 Z45 Delo Sol︠z︡heni︠t︡syna. 1
PG3488.O4 Z4613 2018 Between two millstones. 1
PG3488.O4 Z4713 1995 Invisible allies / 1
PG3488.O4 Z495 Bodals︠i︡a telenok s dubom : ocherki literaturnoĭ zhizni / 1
PG3488.O4 Z495 1996 Bodals︠i︡a telënok s dubom : ocherki literaturnoĭ zhizni / 1
PG3488.O4 Z49512 1998 Niu du ding xiang shu : Suoerrenniqin zi zhuan / 1
PG3488.O4 Z49513 The oak and the calf / 1
PG3488.O4 Z49513 1980 The oak and the calf : sketches of literary life in the Soviet Union / 1
PG3488.O4 Z49515 Die Eiche und das Kalb : Skizzen aus dem literarischen Leben / 1