Call Number (LC) Title Results
P95.82.S6 H67 2001eb Communication and democratic reform in South Africa / 2
P95.82.S6 J33 2019 Media in postapartheid South Africa : postcolonial politics in the age of globalization / 2
P95.82.S63 I56 2014 The international political economy of communication : media and power in South America / 2
P95.82.S63 M435 2011 Medios, democracia y poder una mirada comparada desde Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela y Argentina / 1
P95.82.S636 M44 2017 Media as politics in South Asia / 2
P95.82.S65 Language and Power in the Creation of the USSR. 1
P95.82.S65 D94 1982 The media and intra-elite communication in the USSR 1
P95.82.S65 G53 1999 Gorbachev's glasnost : the Soviet media in the first phase of perestroika / 1
P95.82.S65 R654 2011 Moscow prime time : how the Soviet Union built the media empire that lost the cultural Cold War / 1
P95.82.S65 S5 1994 Dismantling utopia : how information ended the Soviet Union / 1
P95.82.S65 S55 2017 Freedom of speech in Russia : politics and media from Gorbachev to Putin / 1
P95.82.S65 S55 2017eb Freedom of speech in Russia : politics and media from Gorbachev to Putin / 1
P95.82.S65 S64 1998 Language and power in the creation of the USSR, 1917-1953 / 1
P95.82.S65 V3 1992 Secrets of journalism in Russia : mass media under Gorbachev and Yeltsin / 1
P95.82.S7 S47 2010eb Traficantes de información : la historia oculta de los grupos de comunicación españoles / 1
P95.82.S7 S488 2003eb Propaganda y medios de comunicación en el franquismo, 1936-1951 1
P95.82.S9 Agenda-Setting zwischen Parlament und Medien : normative Herleitung und empirische Untersuchung am Beispiel der Schweiz / 1
P95.82.S95 S56 2020 Language, identity, and Syrian political activism on social media / 2
P95.82.S97 B76 2020 New media and revolution : resistance and dissent in pre-uprising Syria / 1
P95.82.T28 H74 2014 The construction of national identity in Taiwan's media, 1896-2012 / 1