NX562.B37 M6313 2003
Modernismo : architecture and design in Catalonia / |
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NX562.B37 R3312 1982
Modernisme i modernistes / |
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NX562.G73 G35 2008
Gallo : interior de una revista : 1928 / |
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NX562 .L58 1988
La mirada roja : estética y arte del anarquismo español (1880-1913) / |
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NX562.M34 G85 1993
Guia de jovenes artistas de Madrid. |
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NX562 .R67 2022
Métricos pinceles : literatura y artes plásticas en el Siglo de Oro / |
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NX562 .S65 2003
Contemporary Spanish culture : TV, fashion, art, and film / |
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NX562 .S66 2006
Spanish visual culture : cinema, television, Internet / |
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NX562.Z9 A936 2020
Acto de desobediencia / |
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NX562.Z9 ebook
J. Solana : los personajes en su literatura y su pintura : una visión simbólica de la vida / |
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NX562.Z9 F472 2012
Esther Ferrer : en quatre moviments = en cuatro movimientos = in four movementes / |
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NX562.Z9 V32 2009
The navel of the world / |
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Challenging memories and rebuilding identities : literary and artistic voices that undo the Lusophone Atlantic / |
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NX563.A1 C49 2020
Challenging memories and rebuilding identities : literary and artistic voices that undo the Lusophone Atlantic / |
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NX563.A1 C85 2000
Cultural links between Portugal and Italy in the Renaissance / |
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NX563.A1 F47 1938
Da vida / |
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NX563.A1 M335 2024
Performance art in Portugal / |
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NX564.A1 A46 1974
Ambiente 74 [i.e. vierundsiebzig] : 27 Schweizer Künstler = Ambiances 74 : 27 artistes suisses = Ambienti 74 : 27 artisti svizzeri : [Ausstellung,] Kunstmuseum Winterthur, 19. Januar-24. Februar : Musée Rath Genève, 7 mars-15 avril : Villa Malpensata Lugano, 18 giugno-14 luglio : [Katalog / |
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NX564.A1 .E973 2010
Expansion der Moderne : Wirtschaftswunder - Kalter Krieg - Avantgarde - Populärkultur / |
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NX564.A3 G73 1993
Der Himmel schon südlich, die Luft aber frisch : Schriftsteller, Maler, Musiker und ihre Zeit in Graubünden 1800-1950 / |
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