Call Number (LC) Title Results
NX449.7.G68 L83 2021 Gothic : an illustrated history / 1
NX449.7.G68 W47 2017 Werewolves, Wolves and the Gothic / 1
NX450 .A8 1967 Aspectos do barroco. 1
NX450.5 B37 1987 Walter Pater's Renaissance / 1
NX450.5 .G67 The Renaissance imagination : essays and lectures / 1
NX450.5 .H8 1990 The rule of art : literature and painting in the Renaissance / 2
NX450.5 .I56 2000 Innovation and tradition : essays on Renaissance art and culture / 1
NX450.5 .P3 2012 The works of Walter Pater. studies in art and poetry / 1
NX450.5 .P37 1980 The Renaissance : studies in art and poetry : the 1893 text / 1
NX450.5 .P37 1986 The Renaissance : studies in art and poetry / 1
NX450.5 .R38 1990 Renaissance bodies : the human figure in English culture, c. 1540-1660 / 1
NX450.6.M3 D82 Le maniƩrisme / 1
NX450.6.M3 H3 1979 Der Ursprung der modernen Kunst und Literatur : die Entwicklung des Manierismus seit der Krise der Renaissance / 1
NX450.6.M3 H38 1973 Der Ursprung der modernen Kunst und Literatur : die Entwicklung des Manierismus seit der Krise der Renaissance. 1
NX450.6.M3 H3818 1982 Origen de la literatura y del arte modernos / 1
NX450.6.M3 M4 The Meaning of mannerism / 1
NX450.6.M3 O76 1975 Manierismo y barroco / 2
NX450.6.M3 W47 1978 Essays on mannerism in art and music : papers read at the West Chester State College Symposium on Interdisciplinary Studies, November 18, 1978 / 1
NX451.5 El barroco : una visiĆ³n de conjunto / 1
NX451.5.B3 The Oxford handbook of the Baroque / 1