Call Number (LC) Title Results
NK4645 .B3413 1974 The Berlin painter. 1
NK4645 .B35 Bilder griechischer Vasen / 1
NK4645 .B35 hft. 6 NK4645.B35 hft. 6 Der Kleophrades-Maler / 1
NK4645 .B37 Etruscan vase-painting. 1
NK4645 .B42124 1989 Greek vases : lectures / 1
NK4645 .B4213 1974 The Pan painter. 1
NK4645 .B46 Horse, bird & man : the origins of Greek paintings / 1
NK4645 .B475 2017 The Berlin painter and his world : Athenian vase-painting in the early fifth century B.C. / 1
NK4645 .B5 Zur griechischen Vasenmalerei des 6. bis 4. Jahrhunderts vor Christus : Bilder und einführender Text.
Bilder griechischer Vasen /
NK4645 .B549 1998 Early Greek vase painting : 11th-6th centuries BC : a handbook / John Boardman. 1
NK4645 .B553 2001 The history of Greek vases : potters, painters and pictures / 1
NK4645 .B622 2001 The history of Greek vases : potters, painters and pictures / 1
NK4645 .B75 Vasenlisten zur griechischen Heldensage. 1
NK4645 .B855 2019 Athens, Etruria, and the many lives of Greek figured pottery / 2
NK4645 .B857 Grab eines attischen Mädchens / 1
NK4645 .B86 Griechische Vasen / 1
NK4645 .B88y 1922 Greek vase-painting / 1
NK4645 .C44 2003 La ceramica figurata a soggetto tragico in Magna Grecia e in Sicilia / 1
NK4645 .C57 2002 Understanding Greek vases : a guide to terms, styles, and techniques / 1
NK4645 .C58 2006 The colors of clay : special techniques in Athenian vases / 1