Call Number (LC) Title Results
ND2068 Beginning Chinese brush : discover the art of traditional Chinese brush painting / 1
ND2068 .B53 1996 Ink plum : the making of a Chinese scholar-painting genre / 1
ND2068 .C33 1991 New dimensions in Chinese ink painting : works from the collection of John and Alice Z. Berninghausen / 1
ND2068 .C44 1986 Zhongguo shui mo hua / 1
ND2068 .C4849 2014 Chinese paintings from Japanese collections / 1
ND2068 .C485 1998 Journeys on paper and silk : the Roy and Marilyn Papp collection of Chinese painting / 1
ND2068 .C58 1984 Chinese export watercolours / 1
ND2068 .F36 2021 Fantastic brush : twentieth-century Chinese ink art from the Robert and Lisa Kessler collection / 1
ND2068 .G856 2010 Chinese ink painting now / 1
ND2068 .H4413 Chinese watercolours / 1
ND2068 .H4413 1978 Chinese watercolours / 1
ND2068 .H7 1985 Shui mo hua / 1
ND2068 .K67 Bild und Aufschrift in der Malerei Chinas : unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Literaturmaler der Ming-Zeit (1368-1644) Tʻang Yin, Wen Cheng-ming und Shen Chou / 1
ND2068 .S44 2010 Fresh ink : ten takes on Chinese tradition / 1
ND2068 .S48 1998 Shui mo di shi jing : cong chuan tong wen ren hua dao xian dai shui mo hua / 1
ND2068 .S48 2017 The spirit of the brush : Chinese brush painting techniques : simplicity, spirit, and personal journey / 1
ND2068 .S713 1966 The book of porcelain : the manufacture, transport, and sale of export porcelain in China during the eighteenth century / 1
ND2068 .T73 2007 A tradition redefined : modern and contemporary Chinese ink paintings from the Chu-tsing Li collection, 1950-2000 / 1
ND2068 .T76 1987 Chinese paintings of the middle Qing dynasty / 1
ND2068 .V55 2018 Ink worlds : contemporary Chinese painting from the collection of Akiko Yamazaki and Jerry Yang = Mo jing : Shanqi Langzi Yang Zhiyuan cang dang dai shui mo hua / 1