Call Number (LC) Title Results
NC1429 .K48 1899 Kemble's sketch book. 1
NC1429.K52 A454 Dennis the menace vs. everybody. 1
NC1429 .K53 Hazel / 1
NC1429.K54 B72 1964 Reigning cats & dogs / 1
NC1429.K62 A4 1978 Are you happy? : And other questions lovers ask / 1
NC1429.K62 A4 1980 "Well, there's your problem" : cartoons / 2
NC1429.K62 A4 1982 The Penguin Edward Koren / 1
NC1429.K62 A4 1983 Caution : small ensembles / 1
NC1429.K62 A4 1989 What about me? : cartoons from the New Yorker / 1
NC1429.K62 A4 2010 Edward Koren : the capricious line / 1
NC1429.K75 A77 2011 Twilight of the assholes, or, somebody stop the spike machine / 1
NC1429.K78 A4 1981 Questionable cartoons / 1
NC1429.L32 A4 1985 Valley of the Far side / 1
NC1429.L32 A4 1989a The PreHistory of the Far side : a 10th anniversary exhibit / 1
NC1429.L32 S67 2018 Gary Larson and the Far Side / 1
NC1429 .L43 Barnaby and Mr. O'Malley / 1
NC1429.L47 A4 1970 David Levine's choice : the artist's favorite drawings from the New York review of books. 1
NC1429.L47 A4 1978 The arts of David Levine / 1
NC1429.L47 A48 1965 The David Levine album of drawings from the New York review of books. 1
NC1429.L47 A5 Literary caricatures : from the New York review of books. 1