Call Number (LC) Title Results
NB1280 .E475 2005 Götter, Herrscher, Inschriften : die Felsreliefs der hethitischen Grossreichszeit in der Türkei / 1
NB1280 .F36 2020 Fang hua yu yi shou : Han hua xiang de qi huan shi jie / 1
NB1280 .F64 1986 The Nazareth capitals and the Crusader Shrine of the Annunciation / 1
NB1280 .F66 2012eb Entering the Dharmadhātu : a study of the Gandavyūha reliefs of Borobudur / 1
NB1280 .G66 2017 Xiang sheng yu shi ai : Han mu shi ke hua xiang yan jiu / 1
NB1280 .G8956 2023 Han dai chen wei yu Han hua xiang xiang rui tu shi yan jiu = Handai chenwei yu Hanhuaxiang xiangrui tushi yanjiu / 1
NB1280 .H36 2021 Han hua zhong de sheng huo yu jing shen shi jie : xing xiang shi xue te ji / 1
NB1280 .H6 1993 Henan Xinzheng Han dai hua xiang zhuan / 1
NB1280 .J536 2001 Han dai hua xiang shi yu hua xiang zhuan / 1
NB1280 .K862 1998 Ba Shu Han dai hua xiang ji / 1
NB1280 .L35 2018 Sculptural seeing : relief, optics, and the rise of perspective in medieval Italy / 1
NB1280 .L43 1995 Of gods, kings, and men : bas-reliefs of Angkor Wat and Bayon / 1
NB1280 .L5 1995 Shan bei Han dai hua xiang shi / 1
NB1280 .L56 2014 Chu di chu tu ren yong yan jiu : zao qi Zhongguo mu zang zao xiang yi shu de li zhi kao cha / 1
NB1280 .M37 1992 Sculpture in the Parthian Empire : a study in chronology / 1
NB1280 .M67 1995 Specchio del mondo : i "bestiari fantastici" delle cattedrali : la cattedrale di Bitonto / 1
NB1280 .N583 2016 Han dai shen ling tu xiang kao shu = Handai shenling tuxiang kaoshu / 1
NB1280 .R63 Relief sculpture / 1
NB1280 .R68 2005 Images of the gods : Khmer mythology in Cambodia, Thailand and Laos / 1
NB1280 .S3 Les tables iliaques. 1