Call Number (LC) Title Results
NA1530.S53 D64 2017 DP Architects : 50 years since 1967 / 1
NA1530.S53 M652 2020 Mok Wei Wei : works by W Architects / 1
NA1530.S53 S23 2015 SAA Architects : urbanistic, humanistic, optimistic / 1
NA1530.S55 B43 1985 A history of Singapore architecture : the making of a city / 1
NA1530.S55 B49 2004 Beyond description : Singapore space historicity / 1
NA1530.S55 B49 2004eb Beyond description : Singapore space historicity / 2
NA1530.S55 .K828 2010eb Sendas oníricas de Singapur : retrato de una metrópolis potemkin ... o treinta años de tabla rasa / 1
NA1530.S553 C465 2004 The architecture of Soo Chan / 1
NA1536 .E27 2013 Eastern promises : zeitgenössische Architektur und Raumproduktion in Ostasien = Contemporary architecture and spatial practises in East Asia / 1
NA1536 .S35 2000 Eastern spirit / 1
NA1537 .I5313 1998 The garden as architecture : form and spirit in the gardens of Japan, China, and Korea / 1
NA1537 .N57 2009 Nihon no shokuminchi kenchiku : Teikoku ni kizukareta nettowāku / 1
NA1540 Exporting Chinese architecture : history, issues and "One Belt One Road" /
Geo-architecture and landscape in China's geographic and historic context.
Authenticity and wooden architecture preservation in Asia - a Chinese perspective /
Geo-Architecture and Landscape in China's Geographic and Historic Context.
Modern Chinese architecture : 180 years /
NA1540 .A5213 1982 Ancient Chinese architecture / 1
NA1540 .A83 Architecture China. 1
NA1540 .B58 1923 Picturesque China, architecture and landscape : a journey through twelve provinces / 1
NA1540 .B68 Chinese architecture and town planning, 1500 B.C. - A.D. 1911. 1
NA1540 .B68 1962 Chinese architecture and town planning, 1500 B.C. - A.D. 1911. 1
NA1540 .C5 1968 Designs of Chinese buildings, furniture, dresses, machines, and utensils. 1
NA1540 .C5154 1987 China : tao in architecture / 1